
Bakalaureusetöö kirjutajale:

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FLGR.01.268 Bakalaureuseseminar ja bakalaureusetöö (6 EAP)

Kaitsmine talvel:
Teema sisestada inglise keele ja kirjanduse üliõpilaste infolisti saadetud tabelisse 24.sept.2024
BA töö retsensendile 10.dets.2024
Retsensendi tagasiside 17.dets.2024
BA töö esitamine 14.jaan.2025
BA töö kaitsmine 30.jaan.2025

Kaitsmine kevadel 2025:

Teema sisestada inglise keele ja kirjanduse
üliõpilaste infolisti saadetud tabelisse
BA töö retsensendile 15.apr.2025
Retsensendi tagasiside 22.apr.2025
BA töö esitamine 20.mai2025
BA töö kaitsmine 3.-4.juuni2025
BA lõpuaktus, kl 11.00 Tartu Ülikooli aulas19.juuni2025

Anglistika osakonnas kaitstud bakalaureusetööd

on alatest aastast 2018 elektrooniliselt kättesaadavad

Tartu Ülikooli digitaalarhiivis ADA
  • Maarja Hõbemeri, The Fantasy World of Sarah J. Maas. Juhendaja Pilvi Rajamäe
  • Jana Narusberg, The Representation of Lesbian Relationships in Patricia Highsmith's The Price of Salt. Juhendaja Raili Marling
  • Jonathan Bull, Hedge Use and Awareness in English Academic Writing among Estonian University Students. Juhendajad Djuddah Leijen, Roger Yallop
  • Kadi Haamer, Similarities and Differences in the Syntactic Complexity of Bachelor’s and Master’s Thesis: A Comparative Study Using L2SCA. Juhendaja Jane Klavan
  • Ilmar Üle, Becoming a Noun: The Case of Cyber. Juhendaja Jane Klavan
  • Leo Artur Skott, First Language Influence on Estonian EFL Learners’ Production of English Collocations. Juhendaja Reeli Torn-Leesik
  • Karoliine Laaneoja, Culture in Death: A Corpus-Based Study of The New York Times Obituaries. Juhendaja Raili Marling
  • Maria Johanna Milder, News Media Coverage and Public Perception of Artificial Intelligence: A Corpus-Based Study of Two British Online Media Sources. Juhendaja Ülle Türk
  • Katriin Puhm, Representation of Estonia Defence Forces Military Exercise Siil 2018 in the English Language Written Media Katiliina Gielen
  • Kertu Paas, Linguistic Persuasion in the Mediation of Science on the Example of Corona, False Alarm?: Facts and Figures. Juhendaja Katiliina Gielen
  • Mirjam Ruth Loide, Euphemisms for Death. A Comparison of American and British English Corpora (COCA and BNC). Juhendaja Reeli Torn-Leesik
  • Hannaleena Rätsep, The Analysis of Clippings in Twitch Live Stream Chat Rooms. Juhendaja Jane Klavan
  • Aigar Kähr, An Analysis of Johannes Aavik’s Visibility in Translating Edgar Allan Poe’s The Fall of The House of Usher. Juhendaja Katiliina Gielen
  • Helve Sokk, Changes in Narrative Speed and Rhythm in Tõnu Õnnepalu’s Piiririik and its Translation Border State. Juhendaja Katiliina Gielen
  • Eda Edovald, Good Omens: Translation across Media in the Context of Transmedia. Juhendaja Katiliina Gielen
  • Tessa Toomsalu, Violence Towards the Body and Dehumanisation in Solomon Northup's Twelve Years a Slave. Juhendaja Katiliina Gielen
  • Anna Maria Laumets, The Representation of Korean Culture by way of Cultural Translation and Saleable Diversity in Kim's Convenience. Juhendaja Eva Rein
  • Riti Ly Lukk, Duality of Victim/Victimizer in Personal and National Context in Margaret Atwood’s Surfacing. Juhendaja Eva Rein
  • Johanna Põldmaa, Balance between History and Fiction in Philippa Gregory’s The Other Boleyn Girl: the Opposition between Mary and Anne Boleyn. Juhendaja Pilvi Rajamäe
  • Pilleriin Albri, Horror vs. Terror in Gothic Literature and their Elements in Mary Shelley's Novel Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus. Juhendaja Pilvi Rajamäe
  • Elo Altnurme, The Use of Phrasal Verbs Among the Estonian EFL Learners of the University of Tartu. Juhendaja Jane Klavan
  • Keirily Hallik, Women's Roles and the Protagonist's Quest for Womanhood in Margaret Atwood's Surfacing. Juhendaja Eva Rein
  • Moonika Illisson, Internalized Homophobia in AIDS Plays: an Analysis of Larry Kramer's The Normal Heart and Tony Kushner's Angels in America. Juhendaja Raili Marling
  • Gerda Kalda, Empowerment and Poetry: Feminist Ideas in Milk and Honey by Social Media Poet Rupi Kaur. Juhendaja Katiliina Gielen
  • Karl August Kaljuste, Error Rate of Automated Part-Of-Speech Tagging of Estonian Academic Learner English. Juhendaja Jane Klavan
  • Karin Kanamäe, The Development of American Accent in Songs of Arctic Monkeys. Juhendaja Reeli Torn-Leesik
  • Hanna-Liisa Kaun, Representation of Coronavirus in The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times. Juhendaja Raili Marling
  • Maris Kobin, Masculinity in Bret Easton Ellis' American Psycho. Juhendaja Raili Marling
  • Johanna Konso, A Corpus-Based Study of Like in Estonian EFL Learners' Speech. Juhendaja Jane Klavan
  • Liisi Kraak, The Comparison of the Usage of Prefabs in the Academic Writing of Estonian EFL Learners and Native English Speakers. Juhendaja Jane Klavan
  • Arina Krainova, The Construction and Function of the Character of Robert Ross in Timothy Findley's The Wars. Juhendaja Eva Rein
  • Merilin Kukk, The Representation of the Sea in Jack London's Martin Eden. Juhendaja Katiliina Gielen
  • Hanna-Mary Kägra, Comparison of Immigration Related News in Two Different UK Media Publications. Juhendaja Ülle Türk
  • Raimond Lai, A Low's Pentathlon Analysis of Translations of Estonian Songs in the Eurovision Song Contest. Juhendaja Katiliina Gielen
  • Mari-Leen Leesi, Two Estonian Alices: Comparing the Translations of Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland. Juhendaja Katiliina Gielen
  • Stella Loodus, Representation of Depression in Christopher Isherwood's A Single Man. Juhendaja Raili Marling
  • Erkki Sedrik, A Comparison of the Descriptions of Characters: Doyle's A Study in Scarlet and Its Estonian Translation. Juhendaja Katiliina Gielen
  • Kadi Talpsepp, The Overuse of Make in Estonian Learner Language. Juhendaja Jane Klavan
  • Carmen Treu, The Creation of the Atmosphere of Terror in Daphne du Maurier's My Cousin Rachel. Juhendaja Pilvi Rajamäe
  • Saskia Tullino, Strategies Used by Mati Soomre in Translating Lewis Carroll's The Hunting of the Snark. Juhendaja Piret Rääbus
  • Gerli Täpsi, Chinese Canadian Women's Acculturation Experience: Sky Lee's Disappearing Moon Cafe. Juhendaja Eva Rein
  • Anna Vaher, The Use of First Person Pronoun in Academic Texts. Juhendajad Anni Jürine, Djuddah Arthur Joost Leijen
  • Kertu Valge, The Role of Trauma in Rawi Hage's De Niro's Game as a Postcolonial Bildungsroman. Juhendaja Eva Rein
  • Anna-Liza Veresenko, Sublime and the Theme of Incest in the Gothic Novel The Monk by M. G. Lewis. Juhendaja Pilvi Rajamäe
  • Silvia Vihula, The University of Tartu and the UK Undergraduates' Views on Online Studying During the COVID 19 Pandemic. Juhendaja Ülle Türk
  • Merike Voss, Comparison of Football Commentaries in English and Estonian. Juhendaja Reeli Torn-Leesik
  • Ott Abroi, In on the Joke: How Infinite Jest Represents Entertainment Addiction. Juhendaja Raili Marling
  • Agnes Anijalg, Trauma and Survival: The Character of Ma in Emma Donoghue's Room . Juhendaja Eva Rein
  • Anastasija Birjukova, The Chivalric Code in Walter Scott's Ivanhoe. Juhendaja Pilvi Rajamäe
  • Karmen Floren, The Suffragette Movement as Portrayed in the Movie Suffragette (2015). Juhendaja Raili Marling
  • Susanna Homuha, Sentimental Literature in the 19th Century America on the Basis of Uncle Tom's Cabin. Juhendaja Raili Marling
  • Helena Kloss, Comparative Analysis of the Translation Methods of Slang Words in Hard-boiled Crime Fiction: James Hadley Chase's Mission to Siena and its Two Estonian Translations. Juhendaja Katiliina Gielen
  • Kadri Koitsaar, Translating Tammsaare: Pearu Murakas' Character Speech in Vargamäe, Volume I of Truth and Justice. Katiliina Gielen
  • Marten Kolk, Corpus-Based Analysis of a Set of Recent Japanese Loanwords in English. Juhendaja Enn Veldi
  • Shara Hannamary Kull, Corpus-Based Study on Idioms Describing Emotions in British English. Juhendaja Jane Klavan
  • Lennard Laas, Comparison of the Types of Colonialism in Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness. Juhendaja Pilvi Rajamäe
  • Lili-Marlen Liblik, Representation of Horror in Mark Z. Danielewski's House of Leaves. Juhendaja Raili Marling
  • Maarja Luik, An Analysis of Hans Luik's Translation of Jonathan Harker's Journals in Bram Stoker's Dracula. Juhendaja Katiliina Gielen
  • Relika Maripuu, Estonians in Canada: Identity in Salme Ekbaum's Novel Külaliseks on ootus. Juhendaja Eva Rein
  • Maarja Merioja, Search for Identity in Thomas King's Medicine River. Juhendaja Eva Rein
  • Marin Merisalu, Sports Idioms in Movies: A Corpus-Based Study. Juhendaja Enn Veldi
  • Sigrid Mölder, The unconventional courtship between Elizabeth Bennet and Mr Darcy in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. Juhendaja Pilvi Rajamäe
  • Sarah-Liisa Oja, Young Adult Literature as a Means for Creating Empathy on the Example of John Green's The Fault in our Stars. Juhendaja Raili Marling
  • Ave Palm, The Fusion of Invariant Figure-Types as Block Elements in Agatha Christie's Works. Juhendaja Pilvi Rajamäe
  • Eke Pernik, The Influence of Traumatic Experience on a Child's Identity Development in Emma Donoghue's Room. Juhendaja Eva Rein
  • Andreas Piiri, A Corpus Based Study of Formulaic Language Use by Native and Non-Native Speakers. Juhendaja Jane Klavan
  • Liisa Piiskop, Corpus-based Study of the Representation of Donald Trump in Two American Newspapers During the Impeachment Period. Juhendaja Raili Marling
  • Anni Polding, Future Constructions with will, shall, and be going to in Terry Pratchett's Novel Guards! Guards! and Their Estonian Translations. Juhendaja Reeli Torn-Leesik
  • Grete Pärn, The Gothic Heroine in Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier. Juhendaja Pilvi Rajamäe
  • Roland Rae, Sentiment Analysis of Selected Works by Mark Twain with the Statistical Software R. Juhendaja Jane Klavan
  • Johanna Rehelem, The Rise and Fall of Gilead: an Analysis through the Character of Aunt Lydia in Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale and The Testaments. Juhendaja Eva Rein
  • Heleen Roos, Translation Strategies in C. S. Lewis' The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Juhendaja Katiliina Gielen
  • Annie Saavan, Analysis of the Semantic Development of Selected Equestrian Terms. Juhendaja Enn Veldi
  • Ester Suur, Response to the Trauma of World War II and Japanese Canadian Internment in Joy Kogawa's Obasan. Juhendaja Eva Rein
  • Diana Taal, The English Genitive Choices of Estonian Secondary School Students. Juhendaja Jane Klavan
  • Sandra-Leele Toom, The Use of Phrasal Verbs by Estonian EFL Learners: a Corpus-based Study. Juhendaja Jane Klavan
  • Aurelie Vaher, The Portrayal of Social and Internal Conflict in Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility. Juhendaja Pilvi Rajamäe
  • Noneth Helen Viro, Search for Freedom in Aphra Behn's The Rover. Juhendaja Pilvi Rajamäe
  • Rannar Park, Analysis of a Selection of Interviews from an Estonian Spoken Mini-corpus of English as a Lingua Franca, juhendaja Jane Klavan
  • Õie Pärn, Neuroscientific Discourse in Madeleine Thien’s Dogs at The Perimeter, juhendaja Eva Rein
  • Diana Ostrat, What Does Little Mermaid Want? A comparative analysis of H.C. Andersen’s The Little Mermaid and Walt Disney Studio’s animated film The Little Mermaid, juhendaja Pilvi Rajamäe
  • Amanda Poopuu, Oscar Wilde and the Allusions to Queerness in The Picture of Dorian Gray, juhendaja Katiliina Gielen
  • Fjodor Tšebakov, Episodic Characters: Constructing Oedipa’s Fractured Perception of Reality in Thomas Pynchon’s The Crying of Lot 49, juhendaja Raili Marling
  • Helen Kahur, Two translations of Jaan Kross’ Keisri hull: comparison of markers pertaining to the fictional world creation, juhendaja Katiliina Gielen
  • Liisa Meriste, Ann Radcliffe's Use of Landscapes and Man-Made Structures for the Creation of the Atmosphere of Terror in Her Gothic Novel The Italian, juhendaja Pilvi Rajamäe
  • Karl Peterson, Linguistic Features and Sentence Structures of Sports Commentary in Basketball, juhendaja Reeli Torn-Leesik
  • Evelin Jõemaa, Translating Poetry from English into Estonian. Far Over the Misty Mountains Cold and Nüüd mingem siit, veel koidu eel, juhendaja Katiliina Gielen
  • Teele Männik, Giving Women’s Bodies Back to Women: Representation of Religion and Women’s Rights in Future Home of the Living God, juhendaja Raili Marling
  • Mona Ly Eesalu, J. K. Rowling’s Philosopher’s Stone / Tarkade Kivi: Character Description in the English Original and in the Estonian Translation, juhendaja Katiliina Gielen
  • Petra Nook, Idioms with Headwords Related to Transportation, juhendaja Jane Klavan
  • Monika Mander, Confinement, Freedom, and Men’s Role in the Life of Grace Marks in Margaret Atwood’s Alias Grace, juhendaja Eva Rein
  • Kärt Roomäe, The Analysis of Canonical and Non-canonical Questions in an English Language Podcast, juhendaja Jane Klavan
  • Jekaterina Gortalova, The Problem of False Friends for Russian learners of English, juhendaja Reeli Torn-Leesik
  • Ander Peedumäe, A Corpus-Based Study of Names in Lovecraft’s Fiction, juhendaja Enn Veldi
  • Karmen Visnapuu, Learning about Aspects of Early 20th Century British Culture Using Feature Films, juhendaja Ülle Türk
  • Kaisa-Liina Näär, Hogwarts School of Abusers and Manipulators (and Overall Horrible Teachers) An Analysis of the Image of the Teacher in J. K. Rowling's
  • Harry Potter Books, juhendaja Pilvi Rajamäe
  • Aibike Gaibli, The Woman Question in William Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew, juhendaja Pilvi Rajamäe
  • Elisabeth Rips, Comparative Analysis of two Translations of the Poem 서시 (seoshi) by the Korean Poet Yoon Dong Ju from Korean into English Katiliina Gielen
  • Darja Melnik, Students` Awareness of the Varieties of English, juhendja Reeli Torn-Leesik
  • Eliseta Talviste, The Analysis of the EOP Coursebook Career Paths: Beauty Salon, juhendaja Natalja Zagura
  • Liis Karilaid, Epistemic Modals in Harry Potter and the Philospher’s Stone and their Estonian Translations, juhendaja Reeli Torn-Leesik
  • Henry Konno, Humour in the Film Monty Python and the Holy Grail: A Cognitive Linguistic Approach, juhendaja Pilvi Rajamäe
  • Siiri Sünd, The Comparative Analysis of Food Translation. Sylvia Plath's The Bell Jar and its Estonian translation Klaaskuppel, juhendaja Katiliina Gielen
  • Lotte Parksepp, Sentiment Mining in Goodreads Reviews of Classic American Novels, juhendaja Raili Marling
  • Maria Roberta Org, Elaine’s Identity Formation in Margaret Atwood’s Cat’s Eye, juhendaja Eva Rein
  • Elizaveta Sai, The Role of Faith in the Formation of Toby’s Character in Margaret Atwood’s The Year of the Flood, juhendaja Eva Rein
  • Karl-Martin Idol, Chuck Palahniuk's Fight Club As An Example of Transgressive Fiction. Juhendaja Djuddah Arthur Joost Leijen
  • Joosep Jussi, An Analysis of the Characters Crake and Jimmy/Snowman in Margaret Atwood's Dystopian Novel Oryx and Crake. Juhendaja Eva Rein
  • Eva Jänes, Aspects of Social Stratification and Symbolism in Edward Morgan Forster's novel A Room with a View. Juhendaja Pivi Rajamäe
  • Oliver Lambrik, Identity Issues in the Third Generation of Japanese Canadians in Joy Kogawa's Novel Obasan. Juhendaja Eva Rein
  • Morten Mägi Ravn, Fundamentalism and Male-female Relationships in Margaret Atwood'sThe Handmaid's Tale. Juhendaja Eva Rein
  • Carmen Neerut, Translating Passive Voice Constructions from English into Estonian based on My Family and Other Animals by Gerald Durrell. Juhendaja Reeli Torn-Leesik
  • Kristina Piksar, Donald Trump's Political Discourse on Twitter. Juhendaja Raili Marling
  • Eliza Podburtnaja, Corpus-based Analysis of the Use of this and it. Juhendaja Reeli Torn-Leesik
  • Hanna-Liis Raiend, Manifestation of the Supernatural in Joe Hill's Heart-Shaped Box. Juhendaja Ene-Reet Soovik
  • Signe-Renate Saar, A Corpus-based Study of the Polysemy of cheers in American and British English. Juhendaja Jane Klavan
  • Helina Tera, The Genitive Alternation in (Estonian Learner) English - Its Frequency and Difference in Meaning in a Forced Choice Task. Juhendaja Jane Klavan
  • Ketlin Vessart, Helga Kross: Foregrounding Estonian Translators. The Fall of the House of Usher and "Usheri maja Hukk". Juhendaja Katiliina Gielen
  • Helena Viies, The Protagonist's Quest for Transofrmation in Margaret Atwood's Surfacing. Juhendaja Eva Rein
  • Keili Õispuu, The Gentlemanly Ideal in Jane Austen's Emma. Pilvi Rajamäe
  • Helena Õunapuu, Close Reading of Anne Sexton'sTransformations: Feminist Elements and Culture of the 1960s-1970s. Raili Marling
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