Vestlusring „Decolonized? The Post-Colonial Experience in Estonia and the Faroes“

Vestlusring postkolonialismist Eestis ja Fääri saartel
Tartu Ülikool

Eesti teadlane Margaret Tali ning fääri kunstnik Jóhan Martin Christiansen vestlevad koloniaalajastujärgsest kogemusest Eestis ja Fääri saartel.

Join us for a conversation with Estonian scholar and curator Margaret Tali and Faroese artist Jóhan Martin Christiansen about the post-colonial experience in Estonia and the Faroe Islands respectively. Together we will explore questions about how the post-Soviet and Danish experience manifest themselves in the arts and culture of each of the two countries.

Margaret Tali's research deals with decolonisation, difficult and neglected heritage, museum histories, relationships between art and ethnography and processes of art history writing.

Jóhan Martin Christiansen's artistic practice explores how materials are handled within a specific context – physically, emotionally and philosophically. It includes media such as installation, plasterreliefs, printmaking and video.

Üritust rahastavad SNU, Põhjamaade Ministrite Nõukogu esindus Eestis ja Taani Kultuuriinstituut Riias.

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