Rosa Rabadán'i loeng moodaalsuse võrdlevast uurimisest

Teisipäeval 19. novembril, kell 16.15
Paabeli ruumis 209

Léoni ülikooli (Hispaania) inglise keele professor Rosa Rabadán'i

ingliskeelne loeng "Corpus-based contrastive analysis for applied research: Building translation aids"

The differences in distribution of form and meaning in English and in Spanish represents a constant source of problems in cross-linguistic and cross-cultural communication, modal markers are a case in point. The ACTRES program ( draws on corpus-based descriptive contrastive data and explores the applicability of these data as a diagnostic tool in translation assessment. To this end, the research group has identified a number of grammatical ‘anchors’ (Rabadán 2010, 2011) that have proven useful and usable in detecting poor and/or erroneous grammatical performance in texts translated from English. It is this performance information which constitutes the basis of PETRA 1.0®, a tool for TQA. This presentation will focus on contrastive and diagnostic work which reveals translation-relevant findings for the expression of modality in each of the two languages English and Spanish.

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