Romanistika professori ametikoha kandidaatide avalikud loengud

2016/17 kevadsemestril on TÜ maailma keelte ja kultuuride kolledžis avatud viis professori ametikoha konkurssi. Nende raames peavad mitmed kandidaadid ka venia legendi ehk avaliku loengu.

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Romanistika professori kandidaatide venia legendi loengud:

Teisipäeval, 23. mail

Charles B. Rice-Davis

"The Sovereign Body in Post-revolutionary France"

This lecture explores the problem of sovereignty in the aftermath of French absolutism’s dissolution. We shall consider possible discursive representations of state power in the absence of a unitary sovereign ruler through three vastly divergent approaches: those of the radical revolutionary Saint-Just, the reactionary critic Joseph de Maistre and the utopian socialist Charles Fourier. What emerges, despite the contradictory conclusions of these three writers, is a consistent symbolic discourse, in which the metaphorical body of the king, previously above and beyond the law, comes to be replaced in the language of power by the bodies of those legally excluded or banished from each author’s hypothetical state.

Lossi 3-134 (Skype'i vahendusel)
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Neljapäeval, 25. mail

Sara Bédard-Goulet

"L'habiter contemporain dans l'oeuvre de Jean Echenoz"

À l'heure où les mouvements migratoires ébranlent l'Europe, où nous prenons conscience de notre impact sur la Terre, où nombre d'individus passent beaucoup de temps dans les mondes virtuels du numérique, la question de l'habiter prend tout son sens. La littérature et sa topographie fictionnelle peuvent contribuer avantageusement à une réflexion sur l'expérience que fait l'humain des lieux qu'il occupe, qu'il s'approprie ou qu'il subit, et qui lui servent à aménager son monde. L'oeuvre romanesque de l'auteur français Jean Echenoz (1947-), qu'il qualifie lui-même de «géographique», est un terrain fertile pour penser la manière de «faire avec» l'espace à notre époque par le biais du littéraire. Cette conférence sera l'occasion d'explorer une forme de l'habiter contemporain présentée dans le roman Les Grandes blondes (1995), représentative des pratiques actuelles des lieux grâce à un travail de la forme romanesque.

Lossi 3-304
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Daniel Sébastien Larangé

La Parabole chez Paul Claudel. Le genre transgénérique de la « Parabole du Festin »

Lossi 3-134 (Skype'i vahendusel)
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Esmaspäeval, 29. mail

Cristian Micu

"Autrui, l’insaisissable : l’étrange modernité de M. Proust" (“Ever ungraspable, the Other: the strange modernity of Mr. Proust”)

Jakobi 2-114
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Marco Nuti

"Le poète et la mémoire"

Lossi 3-134 (Skype'i vahendusel)
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Ania Wroblewski

"Tuer le réel. La littérature contemporaine et les politiques extrêmes"

À lumière des controverses (juridiques, médiatiques, éthiques et esthétiques) suscitées en France depuis le début du millénaire par les écrivains des extrêmes politiques, j’analyserai ce que la parole infâme nous révèle sur les valeurs prônées par l’élite littéraire française.

Lossi 3-134 (Skype'i vahendusel)
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Julia Holter

"Un pont qui résiste, une porte qui se ferme : à propos de la traduction littéraire"

À la fois « faillible » et « capable », l’homme n’existe pas sans l’Autre, affirme Paul Ricœur. Traduire c’est jeter un pont vers l’Autre. Mais le passage est loin d’être facile. Soi-même comme un autre de Paul Ricœur offre de la traduction, acte par excellence du « compagnonnage » humain, une définition d’une grande pertinence.

Lossi 3-134 (Skype'i vahendusel)
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Iulian Toma

"Du surréalisme comme précurseur du structuralisme"

Dans mon intervention je me référerai aux commentaires formulés par deux représentants des années structuralistes (Claude Lévi-Strauss et Roland Barthes) à l’égard du surréalisme. Je montrerai que, de façon inattendue, voire paradoxale, les pensées qu’ils expriment font ressortir un certain nombre de contiguïtés entre le travail surréaliste du sens et la « méthode structurale ». « C’est des surréalistes que j’ai appris à ne pas craindre les rapprochements abrupts et imprévus », dira Lévi-Strauss dans De près et de loin. « On pourrait parler d’activité structuraliste comme on a parlé d’activité surréaliste » (« L’activité structuraliste »), estimera à son tour Roland Barthes. J’essaierai ainsi, par un travail de mise en perspective historique et philosophique, de placer dans une nouvelle lumière les rapports apparemment si antinomiques entre la pensée surréaliste et la démarche structuraliste.

Lossi 3-134 (Skype'i vahendusel)
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Kolmapäeval, 31. mail

A. A. Constantin Makris

"Les racines du combat surréaliste contre le rationalisme oedipien" (“The roots of the surreal combat against oedipal rationalism”)

Lossi 3-134 (Skype'i vahendusel)
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Klassikalise filoloogia professori kandidaatide venia legendi loengud:

Neljapäeval, 25. mail

Janika Päll

"Ikka antiigi tarkuse rada käies: γνώμη ja sententia koolis ja luules"

Vanakreeka ja Rooma alguses suuline ja hiljem järjest enam kirjale toetuv sõnakunst hindas, nagu me tänapäevalgi, täpselt ja tabavalt formuleeritud "lennukat sõna". Mõtteteri võis koondada eraldi kogumikesse, nendele põhines sageli algkooliõpetus (või näiteks keele algõpetus), ent mõttetera stiilis võis olla loodud ka suurteose keskne koht või epigrammi puänt. Olles küll kergesti meeldejäävad, ent sisult nö suure erikaaluga, omandasid sellised sententslikud osad teosest sageli ka oma, iseseisva elu. Loengu napi aja jooksul vaatame paari γνώμη ja sententia näidet, püüdes jõuda Homerose ja Horatiuse juurest hilisantiigi ja varauusaja kaudu 20. sajandi maailma ja Eesti kultuurilooni.

Lossi 3-304

Kolmapäeval, 31. mail

Vinko Hinz

"Horace as a Literary Critic of Lucilian Satire"

In his three programmatic satires 1.4, 1.10 and 2.1 Horace reflects on satire as a genre and particularly on his literary predecessor Lucilius with reference to his own writing. As to the question how Lucilian satire is read and judged by Horace, Eduard Fraenkel in his Horace (Oxford 1957) advanced the idea that there is a development, caused by ‘human nature’, from strong criticism in 1.4 to high esteem in 2.1: not before Horace himself had discovered writing satire as a means of self-expression he was capable of fully understanding and appreciating his model. In this lecture an alternative reading will be suggested to see whether this prima facie inconsistency cannot be explained by other reasons. Horace’s view on Lucilian satire might seem to be not a complete and systematic analysis, but in its main lines it turns out to be coherent.

Lossi 3-134 (Skype'i vahendusel)
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Germanistika professori kandidaatide venia legendi loengud:

Teisipäeval, 30. mail

Benjamin Gittel

"The Cognitive Value of Fiction"

Since Plato’s famous criticism of ‘deceitful’ poetry, the value of fiction has been contested many times throughout literary history. The justification for fiction also has an equally long-standing tradition, which has postulated very different values of fiction: aesthetic values, cognitive values, emotive values, collective-social values, moral values, and even therapeutic values. Today, in the so-called knowledge society, it has become popular to defend the idea that we can learn something from fiction or, in more technical terms, acquire knowledge from fiction. However, the ongoing international debate over the cognitive value of fiction, involving literary scholars, psychologists and philosophers, has revealed that it is highly challenging to justify this view. This lecture will analyze the main objections made against the claim that knowledge can be acquired from fiction and scrutinize the different concepts of fiction and knowledge that underlie these objections. In conclusion, the lecture will point out the most promising strategies for proponents of knowledge from fiction, which have been motivated by recent research in empirical reception studies, epistemology and psychology.

Lossi 3-134 (Skype'i vahendusel)
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Dirk Rose

"Polemical landscapes. Paul de Lagarde and the rhetoric of depopulation"

In German history, the discourse of “German living space in the East” has a long and sorrowful tradition. It is based on an ideological rhetoric of depopulation which was highly approved by nationalists and colonialists at the end of the 19th century. By means of polemical speech acts, they intend to destroy the cultural and language “contact zone” in Eastern Europe and turn it into a battle-field which, at the end, should be purged of any mixed culture – before being repopulated by German settlers. One of the heads of this movement was Paul de Lagarde (1827-1891). The lecture will focus on the rhetorical strategies and the cultural semantics in his writings that should maintain this political aim. It gives a frightened example of how to build up ideologies with the help of polemical rhetorics, and how to transform geographical and cultural zones of contact into war-zones.

Lossi 3-134 (Skype'i vahendusel)
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Neljapäeval, 1. juunil

László V. Szabó

"Transkulturalität in der deutschsprachigen Literatur (Transculturality in German Literature)"

Lossi 3-134 (Skype'i vahendusel)
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Esmaspäeval, 12. juunil

Leena Hannele Eilittä

"From Weltliteratur to World Literature"

This lecture examines the relations between Goethe's concept of Weltliteratur and the contemporary theory of World Literature. Goethe's Weltliteratur, which emphasises the circulation of literature beyond national borders, was the historical starting-point to academic discourse concerning literature's relation to nationalism, internationalism and, in recent decades, to globalism. By emphasizing the global context of literary works and their numerous ways of communicating with each other, contemporary theories of World Literature have approached the production and reception of literature in new ways. These theories - which have been introduced by such scholars as David Damrosch, Franco Moretti and Pascale Casanova among others – attempt to expand our understanding of the literary canon which in Goethe's idea of Weltliteratur was based upon the ancient classics.

Jakobi 2-114
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Lyubomyr Matsekh-Ukrayinskyy

"Wissensrepräsentationssysteme aus linguistischer Sicht am Beispiel von FrameNet"

Jakobi 2-114
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Manuel Clemens

"Phenomenological Accumulations: Authoritarian Subjects and their Experience of the World"

My presentation focuses on three different versions of the zoon politikon, that I call the tolerant, the authoritarian, and the liberal subject and analyzes the constitution of their political world-views. The investigation starts with an analysis of the construc-tion of tolerance in Lessing’s Nathan the Wise. I continue with a discussion of the concept of the ‘authoritarian character’ (Frankfurt School) and analyze the representa-tion of their intolerant mindset. Finally, I turn to liberal and anti-authoritarian concepts of identity, tolerance, and emancipation in recent discourses in gender and queer stud-ies. All of the sections take Lessing’s Parable of the Ring as their central focus and examine it from different points of view. My investigation offers a discussion of the negotiation between tolerance and intolerance and scrutinizes the problems that anti-populist interventions face when confronted with populism and authoritarian subjects.

Jakobi 2-114
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Esmaspäeval, 11. septembril

Marko Pajević

"Humboldt’s ‘thinking language’: Poetics and Politics"

The thesis I develop in this lecture, based on the Humboldtian tradition of Sprachdenken [thinking language], is that language is a paradigm for our ideas on the way communal life functions. If that is the case, our theory of language is of utmost political importance. Poetics becomes political. Wilhelm von Humboldt’s reflections on the dual offer a vision of politics which is based on dialogical thinking and hence on a form of community which allows for individual freedom. This is demonstrated and elaborated throughout his work, embedding the political dimension of Sprachdenken in his anthropology of language, which even offers the beginnings of a poetological anthropology.

Jakobi 2-114
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Yvonne Toepfer

"Journey into Hoffmann's World: The Literary Tale, Chaos and the Sandman"

Sir Walter Scott's reflection on E.T.A. Hoffmann in 1827 revealed his admiration for the writer while they also expressed his hesitation on attempts destined to fail to unravel his characters. In the talk "Journey into Hoffmann's World: The Literary Tale, Chaos and the Sandman," Dr. Toepfer further explores what Scott considered madness. Instead of presenting a traditional reading of Hoffmann's narrative "The Sandman," Toepfer calls attention to the narrative's intersection between philosophy and literature. Drawing on Friedrich Schlegel's ideas on absolute chaos, she views the title character, the sandman, as a fragmented but fluid character. This paradox or conundrum, according to Toepfer, sheds new light on a discussion of Hoffmann's fascinating writing style and presents evidence of the narrative's successful afterlife in the 21st century.

Lossi 3-134 (Skype'i vahendusel)
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Larson Powell

"Freud’s Russian Neighbor"

Freud was born in Moravia, of Galician parents; many of his patients and collaborators were from Eastern as well as Central Europe. How is this cultural geography written into the self-definition of psychoanalysis? How are Freud’s ethics profiled in relation to Dostoyevsky and to his most famous patient, the Wolf-Man (a Russian subject)? What is the Eastern (Slavic) neighborhood of psychoanalysis? How do (neighbor-)love and sublimation relate?

Lossi 3-134 (Skype'i vahendusel)
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Romanistika ja germanistika professuure finantseerib Euroopa Liidu Regionaalarengu Fond (Tartu Ülikooli ASTRA projekt PER ASPERA).


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