Pre-Modern Seminar No 7: Silke Pasewalck

On Tuesday April 26th Silke Pasewalck will give a talk called:

"Review and modification: The paradigm of interculturality in literary and translation studies."

The seminar will take place in the library of Skandinavistika (Ülikooli 17) at 18.15.

Silke has sent us a short presentation of her talk:

"From the 30th September to the 2nd October 2011 an interdisciplinary and international conference on the subject of "Interculturality and (literary) translation - interactions between literary and translation studies" will take place in the German Department at the University of Tartu in Estonia.

The paradigm of interculturality is well established in literary as well as in translation studies. Although the two disciplines have this central paradigm in common, it seems that they do not work extensively on its perspectives and its further development in interdisciplinary contexts. Therefore the conference addresses scholars from both disciplines in German-speaking and Baltic countries, who are interested in participating in a dialogue about the different perspectives and common thoughts on interculturality. One general idea is that both the language of translation and the language of literature are not restricted to a single culture. On the contrary, literary language (or the language of the arts) has a tendency to be open to other cultures -- just as the language of a translation does. This seems to be a special case of cultural production that can be referred to as "poetic alterity" and distinguished from cultural alterity (Mecklenburg 2008). Cultural phenomena of the latter kind seem to pass on and set particular cultures, keeping them separate from other cultures. Cultural products of a poetic or artistic nature on the other hand do not function by passing on a particular culture but rather open up a culture progressively to other cultures."


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