Pre-Modern Seminar No 41: Maths Bertell

On Monday April 6th Assistant Professor Maths Bertell from MidSweden University will give a talk called:


The seminar will take place in the library of Skandinavistika (Ülikooli 17, 3rd floor, room 305) at 18.15.

Maths has sent us a short presentation of his lecture:

“The oldest first hand source we have from Scandinavia’s Saami population is the drums collected by the church from the 1600s and onwards. The characters on the drumhide is what usually draws researchers attention, but there is more to them. Connections to the bear hunting ceremony divide the preserved drums into two parts: a Northern and a Southern. Could this difference within the religion be a reason big enough for us to speak of two Saami indigenous religions, instead of one?”

Everybody is welcome!

10.-12. maini toimub rahvusvaheline noorte filoloogide konverents

1960. aastate algusest korraldatakse Tartu Ülikooli slavistika osakonnas üliõpilaskonverentse. Teadusfoorumile panid aluse prof. Juri Lotman ja prof. Zara Mints ning järgnenud aastakümnete jooksul muutusid konverentsid unikaalseks teaduskooliks, kus formeerusid mitu põlvkonda maailmakuulsaid slaviste.
Rahvusvaheline Ulmeuuringute Ühingu suur aastakonverents 07.-11.05.2024

Tartu Ülikoolis toimub Rahvusvahelise Ulmeuuringute Ühingu suur aastakonverents

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