Pre-Modern Seminar No 39: Karoline Kjesrud

On Monday March 2nd PhD Karoline Kjesrud from the University of Oslo will give a talk called:

“Reception of Supernatural Spaces: The use and reuse of history and symbols in Norwegian Landscape”

The seminar will take place in the library of Skandinavistika (Ülikooli 17, 3rd floor, room 305) at 18.15.

Karoline has sent us a short presentation of her lecture:

“Defined by the human notion of actions, experiences or stories, some places invites to a supernatural conception. Further, cultic activities and manifestations of supernatural practice at a certain place rely on humans' definitions and experiences. Supernatural conceptions is thus dependent on reception, and as the time moves on; certain places become more and more entangled by cultural and symbolical attributions. How does centuries of reception and cultural attributions affect today’s activity at certain places? Taking some examples in the Norwegian landscape as a starting point, this paper aims to discuss how history and symbols entangles the conception of supernatural spaces.”

Everybody is welcome!

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