Pre-Modern Seminar No 36: Matthias Müller

On Monday October 13th Matthias Müller from the University of Greifswald will give a talk called:

“Lotteries in the eighteenth century. Criticism - Adaption - Expansion.”

The seminar will take place in the library of Skandinavistika (Ülikooli 17, 3rd floor, room 305) at 18.15.

Matthias has sent us a short presentation of the lecture:

"Playing the lottery means engaging in game of chance which involves the drawing of lots for a prize. The gambler might win a fortune but it is more likely that s/he will loose a minor sum of money. Nowadays this is common knowledge.

In the eighteenth century, however, two new lottery formats became increasingly popular in large parts of Europe: the so called Klassenlotterie (“class lottery”) and the Lotto di Genova (“Genoa lottery”). There was no way to fit these lotteries into existing categories of gambling; they challenged the traditional order. Consequently their integration into the contemporary consumer culture did not proceed without major criticism. Moreover, both lottery formats needed to adapt to the local and regional demands.

In my presentation I will illustrate how the mechanism of criticism and adaption worked in the two Baltic towns of Stralsund and Reval (Tallinn). In doing so we will be able to see if and how individuals and authorities integrated new cultural practices into the daily routine in the eighteenth century."

Everybody is welcome!

10.-12. maini toimub rahvusvaheline noorte filoloogide konverents

1960. aastate algusest korraldatakse Tartu Ülikooli slavistika osakonnas üliõpilaskonverentse. Teadusfoorumile panid aluse prof. Juri Lotman ja prof. Zara Mints ning järgnenud aastakümnete jooksul muutusid konverentsid unikaalseks teaduskooliks, kus formeerusid mitu põlvkonda maailmakuulsaid slaviste.
Rahvusvaheline Ulmeuuringute Ühingu suur aastakonverents 07.-11.05.2024

Tartu Ülikoolis toimub Rahvusvahelise Ulmeuuringute Ühingu suur aastakonverents

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