Pre-Modern Seminar No 33: Jens Peter Schjødt

On Monday May 5th Professor Jens Peter Schjødt from the University of Aarhus  will give a talk called:

“Odin – Both One and Many”

The seminar will take place in the library of Skandinavistika (Ülikooli 17, 3rd floor, room 305) at 18.15.

Jens Peter has sent us a short presentation of the lecture:

“The lecture will discuss the god Odin, mainly as he is known from the Old Norse sources, but other historical sources. After a brief survey of the sources, some of the main problems in the research history will be discussed. The main focus of the lecture will be the relations between the various functions of the god, and the development of the figure that eventually turned out to be the Odin of the medieval Icelandic sources. In more recent research Odin’s role as a shaman has been focused upon, and this subject will likewise be discussed, primarily from a theoretical perspective.”

Everybody is also invited to two other lectures by Jens Peter Schjødt on May 5th:
“Source problems at the reconstruction of Pre-Christian Scandinavian religion”, 12.15-13.45 (Ülikooli 17-321).
“Methodological considerations at the reconstruction of Pre-Christian Scandinavian religion”, 16.15-17.45 (Ülikooli 17-321).

Jens Peter Schjødt is Professor of History of Religion at the University of Aarhus, Denmark. His special fields of research are ritual studies, Old Norse religion and mythology. 

Everybody is welcome!

10.-12. maini toimub rahvusvaheline noorte filoloogide konverents

1960. aastate algusest korraldatakse Tartu Ülikooli slavistika osakonnas üliõpilaskonverentse. Teadusfoorumile panid aluse prof. Juri Lotman ja prof. Zara Mints ning järgnenud aastakümnete jooksul muutusid konverentsid unikaalseks teaduskooliks, kus formeerusid mitu põlvkonda maailmakuulsaid slaviste.
Rahvusvaheline Ulmeuuringute Ühingu suur aastakonverents 07.-11.05.2024

Tartu Ülikoolis toimub Rahvusvahelise Ulmeuuringute Ühingu suur aastakonverents

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