Pre-Modern Seminar No 22: Meelis Friedenthal

On Monday March 25th at 18.15 at the library of Skandinavistika (Ülikooli 17-305)

Meelis Friedenthal "When we hear words, then what do we hear?”

A short presentation of the lecture:

“The changes in understanding senses and perception mechanisms that took place in the European philosophy in the second half of the 17th century also brought about changes in understanding words and names. On the one hand, based on the view presented by Plato in Cratylus and on the other hand based on the species theory of Aristotle, it was possible to understand both philosophers that words represent the nature of things at least theoretically or then represent a similar form. By leaving aside the species theory in the middle of the 17th century, this became much less relevant and in the discussions of the following philosophers, words could only be understood as arbitrary signs that have no common part with things or concepts.”

Everybody is welcome!

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