Pre-Modern Seminar No 20: Kristi Viiding

On Monday February 11th Kristi Viiding will give a talk called:

“Latin writings by women in Early Modern Livonia"

The seminar will take place in the library of Skandinavistika (Ülikooli 17, 3rd floor, room 305) at 18.15.

Kristi has sent us a short presentation of the lecture:

"In European handbooks about women, in literature as well as in literary histories, the Latin literature written by women seems to reach in northeastern Europe only to Poland and Sweden. In fact, this is not true, as there are at least two women from Riga in the beginning and middle of the 17th century who wrote and published some prose texts and poems in Latin. Thus I would like to speak about some recent results of my research:

1) about a very early (end of the 16th century) educational treatise from Riga in which it was already underlined that the local gymnasium will be opened because of the demand of matronae Rigenses;

2) about the earliest (published) Latin prose texts from Riga by Gertrud Kröger (Krüger) - three prefaces to collected works of her husband, published in Riga 1614 and

3) about earliest Latin poems written by a woman in our region - Gertrud Paffrath (1655-57)."

Everybody is welcome!

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