Open Seminar on Language Teaching and Project Presentation

Welcome to the open seminar on language teaching and project presentation (Tuesday, September 27, at 11:00, Jakobi 2-109)

11:00-11:10 A short presentation of three recently completed Nordic cooperation projects

1. Teacher training programme and web-based materials pool for teachers of Swedish as the general language in Estonia and on Iceland (EEA Baltic Research Programme): Norway-Lichtenstein-Iceland Grants: Multiplier Event & project introduction. An introductory project preparing for future cooperation in modern teaching methodologies and experience exchange + our intellectual outputs - homepage med links relating to methodology, pedagogy, e-learning (Kristina Mullamaa, Tartu University; Lars-Göran Johansson, Iceland University) (project partners: Estonia, Iceland).

2. En modern resa genom Sverige (Nordplus Nordic Languages): a study material on modern Sweden, following the landscapes/provinces approach principle by Selma Lagerlöf (project partners: Estonia, Iceland, Sweden, Latvia, Lithuania).

3. Nordic Teacher Development Programme (Nordplus Nordic Languages) - an introductory project preparing for future cooperation in modern teaching methodologies and experience exchange and our intellectual outputs. (project partners: Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden).

11:10-12:45 Seminar and lecture on language teaching´s methodological concepts throughout time and CEFR´s new view on language skills

Seminar lead by: Ülle Türk, MA, University of Tartu, Department of English philology

The seminar consists of two parts:

a) Language teaching theories throughout times - What to keep and what to neglect?

b) The Common European Framework for Languages (CEFL): What is language competency according to the brand new edition of the CEFL European language learning document? How to bear in mind the new language competencies - negotiation skills, functional language use, mediation - in pursuing state of the art excellence in language teaching at our Baltic-Nordic universities.

Room: Jakobi 2-109

We are grateful to the Nordplus Nordic Language project and Norway-Lichtenstein-Iceland project for their support that enabled our cooperation and the current event.



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