Old Norse Folklorists Network 2012

Ülikooli 17-305, Tartu

At this second meeting we plan to work mainly in small group workshop-format where people can discuss research strategies and issues and potentially develop new research plans. Hopefully there will be inspiration to gather for everyone involved. This form was greatly appreciated at the first meeting in 2011 and we have decided to try it again with just only a few minor changes.

The group discussions will take their starting points in four different keynote lectures, each of which will precede the workshop linked to it. Following each workshop there will be a chance for the different groups to touch base with and possibly pick up ideas from one another. In between, there will be plenty of coffee breaks.

Focus: The first meeting in 2011 dealt with several general themes of importance to Old Norse philology and folklore. The second meeting will focus on one saga, Bárðar saga Snæfellsáss. This saga, and especially its use of supernatural and fantastic motifs, will be discussed from different perspectives, both folkloristic and philological.

Our vision for the Old Norse Folklorists Network is to build on the Retrospective Methods Network initiated by Eldar Heide in Bergen. We hope to instigate constructive discussions that can provide inspiration as well as opportunities for the network members to build bridges between the various disciplines represented and beyond. The best possible outcome would be the creation of new collaborative research projects as well as chances for the network to meet again for new, invigorated discussions in the future.


Keynote speakers:

  • Annette Lassen, University of Copenhagen: The Supernatural Motifs in Bárðar saga in an Old Norse Context.
  • Camilla Asplund-Ingemark, Åbo Akademi University: The Trolls in Bárðar saga from a Folkloristic Perspective.
  • Ralph O’Connor, University of Aberdeen: The Literary Character of Bárðar saga.
  • Eldar Heide, University of Bergen: Bárðar saga as a source for reconstruction of pre-Christian religion.


  • Professor Daniel Sävborg, University of Tartu (main organizer)
  • Dr Karen Bek-Pedersen, University of Southern Denmark


  • Kait Lubja, MA student, University of Tartu

We need to start making detailed plans for the meeting as soon as we can and we therefore ask that you respond before October 30th, to let us know whether or not you will be able to attend the network meeting. There is no registration fee but participants are expected to cover their travel and accommodation costs. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask the organizers Daniel Sävborg (daniel.savborg[at]ut.ee) and Karen Bek-Pedersen (karen[at]bek-pedersen.dk). The Network secretary Kait Lubja takes care of the registration and will gladly assist you with practical information about travel and accommodation (kata.lubja[at]ut.ee).

Read about the Old Norse Folklorists Network.
Network manifesto published in RMN Newsletter 2010 pp. 28-31.

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