Külalisloeng „Scandinavia and Europe's response to geopolitical rivalries and security risks“

5. detsembril kell 14.00 peab Hong Kongi ülikooli kaasprofessor Roland Vogt loengu, kuidas Euroopa ja Skandinaavia reageerivad tänapäeva geopoliitilistele pingetele ja julgeolekuohtudele.

Loeng on inglise keeles ja seda saab kuulata kohapeal (Lossi 3–328) või Zoomi vahendusel. Loengule järgneb fika ehk rootsipärane kohvi- ja koogipaus.

Lühitutvustus inglise keeles:

For the first time since the Cold War, Europe is facing very significant geopolitical challenges and security risks. Russian aggression, US indifference and Chinese competition have the potential to significantly undermine Europe's economic and security foundations. This talk analyses the inertia in Europe's responses and examines the prospects for Scandinavia of spearheading a viable pathway for Europe in the fields of technology, diplomacy and security.

Roland Vogt is Associate Professor of Global and Area Studies at the University of Hong Kong. His research focuses on how Europe engages with the world, with a particular emphasis on European diplomacy, security policy and the evolution of EU-China relations. His current grant-funded research explores the geopolitics of technology and its impact on Europe. He is the author of three books, articles in key academic journals and a contributor to numerous global media outlets.

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