Külalisloeng „Alcohol Drinking in Old Norse Myth, Society, and Literature“

Alcohol Drinking in Old Norse Myth, Society, and Literature
Tartu Ülikool

29. novembril kell 16.15 peab Praha Karli Ülikooli professor Jiri Stary loengu alkoholi joomisest muinaspõhja müütides, ühiskonnas ja kirjanduses.

Loeng on inglise keeles ja toimub Lossi 3-406.

Loengu lühitutvustus inglise keeles:

Alcohol consumption plays an important role in Old Norse tradition. Some sagas include burlesque stories about drunkenness, but alcohol often has a much more serious role. The divine wisdom of the highest god, Odin, is contained in the mead he captured, and the skill of poetry is also described as the content of the mythological mead. One of the glorious ancient kings drowned in a vat of mead, the divine liquid, and became one of the gods. In his lecture, Jiri Stary will discuss several aspects of alcohol drinking in Old Norse tradition and society, mainly focusing on mythology and Eddic poetry.

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