Högre seminarium - Arngrímur Vídalín

Tisdagen den 5 mars kl. 14.15 (obs tiden!) håller PhD Arngrímur Vídalín från Islands universitet
vårens första högre seminarium över ämnet:

«The Road to Jerusalem is Not What You Think: The Problem With Leiðarvísir.»

Arngrimur Vidalin

Arngrímur har sänt oss en kort presentation av föredraget:

«For a long time scholars have assumed that there exists a text called Leiðarvísir, an itinerary from Iceland to Rome and Jerusalem, written by the known abbot Nikulás Bergsson of the Munkaþverá monastery. The truth is that Leiðarvísir is not the title of an autonomous text, but a designation of a part of a greater geographical treatise; the itinerary to Rome is probably spliced together with a different itinerary to Jerusalem; nothing is known about Nikulás Bergsson, and in fact, the text is only attributed to a Nikulás without any further means of identification. This lecture will discuss these problems and argue for a different approach to Leiðarvísir from the road usually taken in scholarship.»

Föredraget hålls på engelska.

Platsen är Lossi 3-417.


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