Hispaania tudengite etendus "Libahunt" Karlova teatris

22. mail, kell 18.00 etendub Ibero- Ameerika kultuurifestivali Iberofest raames Karlova teatris "Libahunt" hispaania keeles.

This story is about the anger and urge to flee that being excluded produces in us, the terror and rejection that difference provokes, and the inherent need of human being to belong.

Libahunt, written by August Kitzberg in 1912, transports us to rural Estonia in the year 1800 and immerses us in a love triangle, inviting us to reflect on identity and our own attitudes towards those who are different.”

Translated to Spanish by: Kalli Kolberg, Pilletriin Peterson, Maarja Heeringson

and adapted by Virginia Rapún Mombiela and Lorena Simón Gracia.

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