Gustav Adolf Day 2019

Since 2010 The Department of Scandinavian Studies at the University of Tartu has annually celebrated the 6th of November. The day is celebrated in especially Sweden and Finland as the Gustav Adolf Day, commemorating the death of King Gustav Adolf on the foggy battlefield in Lützen in 1632. Gustav Adolf ruled both Sweden and Estonia and is the founder of the University of Tartu, and the 6th of November has been a natural day for emphasizing the close and old contacts between Estonia and Scandinavia. Since 2015 Skandinavistika has organized the events in cooperation with the Embassy of Sweden and the rectorate of the University of Tartu.

Gustav Adolf 2019

On Wednesday November 6th at 16.00 the celebration will as usual open with a seminar with two lectures on Gustav Adolf and his time:

Professor DICK HARRISON, Lund University: A European Monarch. Gustavus Adolphus and the Emergence of a Great Power in Northern Europe
Dr MEELIS FRIEDENTHAL, University of Tartu: About the travelling ideas. Some practical and theoretical aspects of academic travel in the early modern period

The seminar will take place in Jakobi 2-114 at 16.00-17.30.

At 18.30 the celebration will continue with a concert in the aula with music from Gustav Adolf’s time.

Everybody is welcome!

Daniel Sävborg
Professor of Scandinavian Studies

See the photos from the event here.

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