Dialogues with Tradition

The project "Dialogues with Tradition: Studying the Nordic Saga Heritage" was initiated in autumn 2003 by the Section of Scandinavian Studies (Skandinavistika) at the University of Tartu, with the aim of holding an international saga seminar at the university. In connection with this a network was formed, including the following institutes:

  • Section of Scandinavian Studies, University of Tartu;
  • Department of History, University of Joensuu;
  • Department of Language and Culture, Åbo Akademi;
  • Institute for Universal History, Russian Academy of Sciences;
  • Department of Scandinavian Languages, University of Uppsala;
  • Centre for Viking and Medieval Studies, University of Oslo;
  • Department of Cultural Studies, University of Helsinki.

With the help of a grant awarded to the project by the Nordic Council of Ministers under the programme for Nordic Studies Abroad, and international saga seminar was held at the University of Tartu, April 15th-16th, 2004, with invited guest speakers from all the network partners. Also, students of Scandinavian languages from all the network partners. Also, students of Scandinavian languages from the Latvian and Lithuanian universities were invited to participate in the seminar.

Conference Program

"Dialogues with Tradition: Studying the Nordic Saga Heritage"
April 15th-16th, 2004

Content in the conference publication:

saga heritage
  • Tatjana Jackson: "Russian History, Icelandic Sagas and Russian Historiography of the Eighteenth to Early Twentieth Centuries"
  • Tõnno Jonuks: "A Few Additions to the Depiction of estonia and the Eastern Shore of the Baltic Sea in Scandinavian Sagas"
  • Kristel Zilmer: "The Motive of Travelling in Saga Narrative"
  • Sirpa Aalto: "The Digital 'Other' in Heimskringla"
  • Ian Beuermann: "Orkneyinga Saga: 1195 and All That?"
  • Heimir Pálsson: "Getting Rid of the Rebels: A Study in Class Struggle in Brennu-Njáls Saga"
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