The Day of Gustavus Adolphus 2020

On Friday, 6 November 2020

In front of the University Main Building and in front of the Town Hall will fly the flags of the Republic of Estonia and the Kingdom of Sweden.
The Town Hall bells will play “Idas sommarvisa” during the day.

15:00 (Jakobi 2-114)
Opening words by Daniel Sävborg, Professor of Scandinavian Studies at the University of Tartu or
Kristina Mullamaa, Lecturer in English and Swedish Language of the College of Foreign Languages and Cultures

Kaidi Kriisa, Lecturer in Latin Language of the College of Foreign Languages and Cultures
“The legacy of Gustavus Adolphus in the early modern Tartu in three pictures”

Christer Haglund, Nordic Council of Ministers
“The Swedish Day and Finland-Swedish Traditions”

A joint visit by the Rector of the University of Tartu Toomas Asser, the Ambassador of Sweden H.E. Mr. Mikael Eriksson, the Honorary Consul of Sweden and Head of the Tartu office of the Nordic Council of the Ministers’ Office in Estonia Madis Kanarbik, and others to the Johan Skytte monument at Toomemägi in front of the Supreme Court Building and to the monument of Gustavus Adolphus behind the University Main Building.
Flowers and candles will be placed at the monuments.

Opening words by the Rector of the University of Tartu Toomas Asser (in Estonian and English) and the Ambassador of Sweden H.E. Mr. Mikael Eriksson (in English and Swedish, translation into Estonian)

Ensemble Floridante and Maria Valdmaa (soprano), Tuuri Dede (mezzo-soprano). Music by Claudio Monteverdi, Henry Purcell and Georg Friedrich Händel
In the University of Tartu Assembly Hall
Free admission.
The concert will be recorded.

These events are collaborative effort of the University of Tartu, the Department of Scandinavian Studies of the University of Tartu, the Embassy of the Kingdom of Sweden to Estonia and the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Estonia.

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