Anna Tudela-Isanta loeng katalaani keelest

Association of Spanish Scientists in Estonia will invite to lecture by Dr. Tudela-Isanta from Open University and Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.
Dr. Tudela-Isanta, a sociolinguistics specialist, will explore how Catalan, as a minority language, is represented in the vast world of social media.

The event is sponsored by the Areces Foundation and falls under the program "Building European Bridges in research, development, and innovation".

Following the presentation, we would be honoured to have you join us for a selection of tapas and etc.
It will be a wonderful occasion to discuss the topic further and connect with fellow colleagues.

The event will take place on October 11th at 18:15 in Lossi-3, room 328.

Virginia Rapún Mombiela
PhD student | Adjunct instructor

Romance Studies Department

Institute of Foreign Languages and Cultures

University of Tartu

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