The Day of Gustavus Adolphus Academia Gustaviana 38

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

at 2 pm in the lobby of Paabel (Ülikooli 17)

Jüri Talvet, Professor of Comparative Literature
"Has the European Literary Baroque Any Footprints in Estonian Poetry?"

Marju Lepajõe, Lecturer of Patristics and Latin
"Poetry in 17th Century Estonia-Livonia in an European Context"

Daniel Sävborg, Professor of Scandinavian Studies
"Swedish 17th Century Poetry: Baroque and Realism"

Martin Bagge, Ute Goedecke and Per Mattson
"Performing 17th Century Poetry and Music for a Modern Audience"


"Alas, Libertas!" at 6 p.m. in the Assembly Hall of the University of Tartu:
Martin Bagge and Ensemble Mare Balticum from Sweden performing 17th century Swedish music and poetry.

Look at Musik i Syd's webpage.
Gustav Adolf's day concert "Ah, Libertas!"

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