Austmarr VII Programme

Crossing Disciplinary Borders in Viking Age Studies
Problems, Challenges and Solutions
The 7th Austmarr Symposium

Tartu 1–3 December 2017

Thursday 30 November


Welcome reception at restaurant Püssirohukelder (Lossi 28)

Friday 1 December
Main building of Tartu University, room 139 (Ülikooli 18)




Opening of the symposium
9.30-10.30 Keynote lecture. Jens Peter Schjødt: Óðinn – the pervert? Chair: Stephen Mitchell.
10.30-11.00 Coffee

Session I. Chair: Kirsi Kanerva

Maths Bertell: Using theory from Religious studies on Archaeological sources: problems and wet dreams.
Anna P.F. Wessman & Frog & Charlotte Hedenstierna-Jonsson: A völva or seiðmaðr in Finland? Cultural Creolization as a Problem for Interpretations.
Sabine Walther: Leo the Deacon on the Religion of the Rus’. A Contextualizing Literary Perspective.
Klas af Edholm: Interdisciplinary research in the study of human sacrifices.

13.00-14.30 Lunch at restaurant Püssirohukelder (Lossi 28)

Session II. Chair: Maths Bertell
Jessie Yusek: Monstrous Women: Exploring Gender in Medieval Icelandic Literature and Society.
Kirsi Kanerva: Stories of medieval men killed by supernatural beings: post-medieval folklore as a key to their interpretation?
Vykintas Vaitkevicius: Archaeology and Folklore: Case of Samogitian Hill-forts (W Lithuania).

16.00-16.30 Coffee
16.30-17.30 Special session: Female Viking Warriors. Introduction by Charlotte Hedenstierna Jonson and Daniel Sävborg. Chair: Frog.
18.00-19.00 Guided tour at the exhibition “Viking Era Treasures from Estonia” at Tartu City Museum (Narva mnt 23).

Saturday 2 December

Main building of Tartu University, room 139 (Ülikooli 18)

9.00-10.00 Keynote lecture. Henrik Janson: Old Norse Religion and the Troublesome Quest for an Interdisciplinary Approach. Chair: Agneta Ney.
10.00-10.30 Coffee

Session III. Chair: Jakub Morawiec

Sebastian Wärmländer: The longhouse at Hrísbrú, Iceland: an interdisciplinary study.
Alexandra Sanmark: Assembly Sites: Methodology and Theory.
Ragnar Saage: Metallographical analysis of Vendel/Viking Age iron amulet rings.

12.00-13.30 Lunch at restaurant Püssirohukelder (Lossi 28)

Session IV. Chair: Tatjana N. Jackson

Laila Kitzler Åhfeldt: Archaeology and runology – a happy marriage?
Sirpa Aalto & Ritva Kylli & Anna-Kaisa Salmi & Tiina Äikes: Reconciliation of sources: investigating food culture in Ostrobothnia (northern Finland) in pre-modern era.
William Pidzamecky: “Many big ships and excellently well fitted…”: A Case Study of Norse Vessels in the Saga of King Hakon c.1204-1263.

15.00-15.30 Coffee

Session V. Chair: Ragnar Saage

Marika Mägi: Place names and archaeological districts in Viking Age Eastern Baltic.
Jakub Morawiec: Viking raids on territories of Western Slavs – research problems and challenges.

16.30-16.45 Break
16.45-17.45 Special session. The Salme mass burials in ships – archaeology outdoors and indoors.
Introduction by Jüri Peets, Marge Konsa, Raili Allmäe, Liina Maldre and Reet Maldre. Chair: Laila Kitzler Åhfeldt.
17.45 Wine reception hosted by the Swedish ambassador (in room 140, Ülikooli 18)


Symposium Dinner at restaurant Püssirohukelder (Lossi 28)

Sunday 3 December

Main building of Tartu University, room 139 (Ülikooli 18)

9.00-10.00 Keynote lecture. Anne-Sofie Gräslund: Interdisciplinarity – the hardships of an archaeologist, from the 1970s and onwards. Chair: Leszek Slupecki.
10.00-10.30 Coffee

Session VI. Chair: Alexandra Sanmark.

Elena Melnikova: The invitation of Varangian princes in the light of interdisciplinarity.
Stanislav Belskiy: The newly-discovered boat-grave of Viking Age in Karelia (Russia). Results of current research.
Tatjana N. Jackson: Saga studies and Slavic-Finnish archeology: “bilateral cooperation.”
Leszek Slupecki: Old Norse Runic inscriptions on wooden stocks and Old Russian birch bark writing. Chance for comparisons never used.

12.30-14.00 Lunch at restaurant Püssirohukelder (Lossi 28)

Session VII. Chair Sirpa Aalto.

Maria Cristina Lombardi: Intersections among disciplines: a kenning for ‘sword.’
Miriam Mayburd: Old Norse philology meets metaphysics: on limits of epistemology and (re)turn to φαινόμενον.
Anna Solovyeva: Text and Context in Skáldatal: Reading a Written Document of an Oral Tradition (via skype).

15.30-16.00 Coffee

Session VIII. Chair: Maria Cristina Lombardi.

Luke John Murphy: Reasoning our way to privacy: towards a methodological discourse of Viking studies.
Agneta Ney: Interdisciplinary Studies and Historiographical Changes.
Denis Sukhino-Khomenko: Crossing Disciplinary Borders: Thegns in Northern Europe (the British Isles and Scandinavia).

17.30-17.45 Break


Austmarr Network Business meeting

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