Pre-modern Seminar No 55

Skandinavistika osakond kutsub 3. juunil kell 16.00 kuulama Stockholmi ülikooli lektori Frederik Wallensteini loengut, milles tuleb juttu kultuurimälu mõistest ja selle rakendusvõimalustest kultuuriajaloo ja folkloori uurimisel laiemas tähenduses. 

Loeng on inglise keeles ja toimub Zoomi vahendusel (kohtumise ID: 966 5562 4000, parool: 202295). 

Loengu lühitutvustus inglise keeles:

In his talk, Dr Frederik Wallenstein will discuss the concept of “cultural memory” and its potential applications in cultural history and folklore studies in a broad sense. He will express some criticism of the theory of cultural memory as formulated by Jan and Aleida Assmann since the 1980s, and discuss the potential for a critical development of the theory. In both of these respects, he will largely focus on the theory's relationship to oral tradition. It is something he believes has previously constituted a “blind spot” in the theory. In light of this, he would also like to say something about the potential for cultural history research (including the history of religions, folkloristics, etc.) that he, despite his own critical remarks, believes lies in the perspective.

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