Topic: culture

Oscar Wilde 170
16. oktoobril tähistab Oscar Wilde – üks ingliskeelse maailma kuulsaimaid kirjanikke ja seltskonnatähti – oma 170. sünniaastapäeva!
15. October 2024 culture
Gustav Adolf's Day 2024
This November, the Department of Scandinavian Studies will celebrate Gustav Adolf's Day for the 15th time. The academic-cultural event consists of two parts.
30. September 2024 culture
The Bard’s Book Club
In the Autumn of 2024 English philology students started a book club called The Bard’s Book Club. The club focuses on literature related to English speaking cultures and all discussions are in English.
27. September 2024 culture
26. September 2024 cooperationculture
Faculty of Arts and Humanities invites you to autumn fair to celebrate start of new academic year
For the second year in a row, volunteers from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities are organising an eco-friendly fair that offers everything sustainable. This enables reusing a wide range of consumer goods in addition to delighting fairgoers with farm, garden and forest products. The fair will take place in the courtyard of Philosophicum on 3 September at 12:00–16:00. You can register to sell your goods until 30 August.
21. August 2024 culture
Musician Kadri Voorand to be the new Professor of Liberal Arts at the University of Tartu
In the coming academic year, singer, pianist and composer Kadri Voorand will become the new Professor of Liberal Arts at the University of Tartu, with a lecture course focusing on life-changing creation. She will be succeeded by Peeter Jalakas, former professor and director, who will participate in a public discussion titled “Feeling and meaning” in the attic hall of Tartu Cathedral on the evening of 23 May.
What are different aspects of the sixth mass extinction?
The international conference "Traces of Extinction: Species Loss, Solastalgia, and Semiotics of Recovery" held on 5–7 June 2024 at UT Oecologicum (J. Liivi 2, Tartu) sheds light on the various aspects of biodiversity loss and discusses cultural, subjective, and semiotic approaches to understanding species extinction. Registration is open until 23 May.
Exhibition on W. B. Yeats
The Institute of Foreign Languages and Cultures invites you to the opening of an exhibition on William Butler Yeats on November 27, 2023 at 16:00 in Lossi 3.
22. November 2023 culture
Guest lecture „A digital humanities approach to the study of medieval Latin documentary texts from the penitentiary archives"
The University of Turku's PhD student Hanna-Mari Kupari will give a guest lecture on November 29 at 6:15 p.m. on "Digital Humanities Approaches to Medieval Latin Penitential Archival Documents".
21. November 2023 culture
Gustav Adolf Day focuses on Scandinavian values 
On 6 November, the Department of Scandinavia Studies will organise the Gustav Adolf Day. The event will begin with a half-day symposium, followed by a cultural part. 
03. November 2023 culture