Register as a continuing education learner

Even if you are not a student, you can still learn languages at the University of Tartu Institute of Foreign Languages and Cultures. If free places are available, non-students can participate in any of our language courses as continuing education learners. Select the language you are interested in and take a look at the courses currently open for registration on this page. Once you have chosen the course you would like to participate in, fill the online registration form below. Before submitting the form, get acquainted with the general principles of processing personal data collected from the participants of the continuing education programmes offered by the University of Tartu.

Go to the application form

Course fee for the continuing education learner

1 ECTS (European credit point) = 55 €

How much will my course cost?

  • A course worth 6 ECTS costs: 6 x 55 = 330 €
  • A course worth 3 ECTS costs: 3 x 55 = 165 €

Usually, a 6 ECTS course takes place twice a week and a 3 ECTS course once a week. The course fee includes electronic study materials.

The University of Tartu is a partner of Eesti Töötukassa (Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund).

Important details to know before registering

  • You can register for spring semester courses from December 15, and classes start in February. You can register for the autumn semester courses from May 15, and classes start in September. Courses usually last for 15-16 weeks, all course schedules are based on the university's academic calendar.
  • At the beginning of the course, continuing education learners have the right to visit two of the first lessons to make sure the course is suitable for them. Followingly, the learner must confirm their participation in the course in written form (for example, via e-mail) or notify us of their wish to withdraw their application.
  • Participating in the language courses as a continuing education learner does not give a student status at the university.
  • The length of the course is calculated in academic hours: 1 academic hour equals to 45 minutes, one language lesson lasts for 1,5 hours (i.e. 2 academic hours). One course is usually 60-64 academic hours (i.e. 30-32 meetings).
  • Upon registering for a course, you assume the obligation of undergoing an evaluation of learning outcomes. A grade may be obtained throughout the course or by way of a final evaluation (examination, pass-fail examination or homework). They may be differentiated (grade from A-E) or non-differentiated (pass/fail).
  • All the language courses consist of practical language lessons, which means that regular participation is very important and it's usually a requirement for passing the course. Everyone who wishes to participate in a language course must be registered.
  • The language learner will get all the information needed to participate and pass the course from the lecturer in the first lesson.
  • Kui kursus on täis, ära heida meelt. Semestri esimestel nädalatel võib registreerunute arv muutuda ja sul võib avaneda võimalus siiski kursusega liituda.
  • After completing the course, the learner will also receive a certificate. By default, we issue digital certificates, if you wish to receive a paper version, notify us in advance.
  • The language levels are marked according to CEFR standards: A (beginner), B (intermediate), C (advanced).
  • Invoices are issued via e-mail.
  • If you have forgotten your study information system user account, write to Make sure to add your full name and date of birth to the request.
  • The minimum age required to participate in the course is at least 16 years.
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