Double degree with Lyon

The students of the specialities French language and literature and Russian and Slavic Philology have the opportunity to acquire a master’s degree from the Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University in France and from the University of Tartu at the same time.

According to the cooperation agreement concluded between the University of Tartu and the Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University in 2018, up to five MA students of French language and literature or Russian and Slavic philology at the University of Tartu can annually apply for studying a year in Lyon university and get a double degree.

For this, they have to successfully complete the necessary 60 ECTS-s (learn more about subjects). Students have the opportunity to choose whether they wish to complete their first or second academic year in a foreign university. For those who have previously studied at the University of Tartu (e.g. Bachelor's), it is recommended that you choose the first year, and without previous learning experience in our university the second year.

The student must notify of the wish to become an exchange student in Lyon in his/her motivation letter. The admission commission selects the suitable candidates and makes decisions about their exchange year.

For studying abroad it is possible to apply for funding from the Erasmus+ programme. Applying is in accordance with the current procedure (thus currently studying Bachelor's students should apply already before starting their Master’s studies). Read more about the MA admissions here.

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