Topic: Tartu2024

The exhibition “Missing” sheds light on the dark side of biodiversity – the extinction of species
On Friday, 23 August, at 17:00, the art exhibition “Missing” will open at the Tartu Art House, displaying contemporary artworks made from 40-million-year-old bones.
21. August 2024 Tartu2024for society
What are different aspects of the sixth mass extinction?
The international conference "Traces of Extinction: Species Loss, Solastalgia, and Semiotics of Recovery" held on 5–7 June 2024 at UT Oecologicum (J. Liivi 2, Tartu) sheds light on the various aspects of biodiversity loss and discusses cultural, subjective, and semiotic approaches to understanding species extinction. Registration is open until 23 May.
Conference "Traces of Extinction: Species Loss, Solastalgia, and Semiotics of Recovery"
The conference takes place 5–7 June 2024 at the Oecologicum of the University of Tartu, Juhan Liivi 2, Tartu. The sixth mass species extinction is one of the greatest ecological threats of our time. This conference focuses on cultural, subjective and semiotic approaches to extinction.
The ecological art exhibition "Unknown" draws attention to the extinction of species
As part of the main programme of the European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024, the exhibition “Unknown” invites visitors to reflect on environmental degradation and endangered species.
18. March 2024 Tartu2024for society
Public discussion "How to involve other species?"
10th May at 12:00 at Tartu Literature House (Vanemuise 19). The discussion is a pre-event of the "Poetics of Survival" project, which is part of the Prima Vista literary festival.
03. May 2023 Tartu2024culture