Are you ready to immerse yourself in the Estonian language and culture this summer? We are accepting applications for the Estonian summer courses, which will take place from 28 July to 8 August 2025 in Tartu, Estonia.
On 13 February, Professor Kendra Willson from the Silesian University will give a talk on the topic "Runic inscriptions from Poland in archaeology and imagination".
Dr Nicholas Groom, Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics at the University of Birmingham, UK, has been appointed as a Visiting Professor of English at the Centre of Academic Writing and the Department of English Studies within the Institute of Foreign Languages and Cultures as of January 2025.
Join us for a Virtual Open Day where we will cover the admission process, important deadlines, English requirements, student life and much more for 2025 applicants.
Are you a Bachelor's or Master's student starting or already working on your thesis? Do you want to strengthen your skills to navigate the thesis writing process with confidence?
5. detsembril kell 14.00 peab Hong Kongi ülikooli kaasprofessor Roland Vogt loengu, kuidas Euroopa ja Skandinaavia reageerivad tänapäeva geopoliitilistele pingetele ja julgeolekuohtudele.
In the summer, two large book donations were made to the University of Tartu Library, adding to its existing collection of books on the classical and early modern periods.
From 21 to 24 October, Natalia Levshina from Radboud University will conduct a statistics masterclass covering Bayesian statistics with a focus on language data. The event includes both theoretical and practical sessions.