On 19 December at 14:15 Ekaterina Iaschuk will defend her doctoral thesis „Творчество М.Н. Загоскина в процессе формирования русской национальной идеологии".
The annual student conference of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (HUMA) will take place from 24 to 25 November 2022 in the University of Tartu Library.
On Wednesday, 30 November, University of Tartu honorary doctor Heinrich Detering will give a public lecture “Folksong as a remedy: Samuel Taylor Coleridge in Göttingen”.
. ReproTea is a journal club started at the Oxford University in 2018. The goal is to discuss diverse issues, papers and ideas about improving science, reproducibility and the Open Science movement.
On 18 November at 14:15 Andrei Solovev will defend his doctoral thesis „Проблема «Россия и Европа» в русских литературных путешествиях (Фонвизин – Карамзин – Достоевский)”.
On Thursday, 22 September 2022, Jürgen Beyer will give a talk called "Managing epidemics across language borders".
On Thursday, 15 September 2022, Daniel Sävborg will give a talk called "Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries in Viking Age Studies". The seminar will take place in Lossi 3-406 at 18.15.