Topic: research

Kolm saagat Põhjamaade muinasajast
Kolm saagat Põhjamaade muinasajast
19. October 2023 research
Austmarr VII Abstracts
Austmarr VII Abstracts
16. October 2023 research
Austmarr VII Programme
Austmarr VII Programme
16. October 2023 research
Crossing Disciplinary Borders in Viking Age Studies
Crossing Disciplinary Borders in Viking Age Studies
16. October 2023 research
Pre-modern seminar No 47: Annette Lassen
Pre-modern seminar No 47: Annette Lassen
16. October 2023 research
Sciences Meet Businesses
Sciences Meet Businesses
16. October 2023 research
­­­­­­­­From doctoral student to doctoral student: why and how to summarise your research in three minutes?
On 7 September Kertu Liis Krigul, Jürgen Karvak and Kristo Raun will explain why it is worthwhile for young researchers to participate in the competition
28. August 2023 research
Doctoral students are invited to participate in the three-minute thesis competition
The University of Tartu doctoral students are invited to participate in the three-minute thesis competition on 28 September.
25. August 2023 research
Round Table Discussion "Intersemiotic Translation: An Invitation to Connect Translation Studies and Semiotics"
The round table discussion in intersemiotic translation took place on May 10th 2023.
28. April 2023 studentsresearch
Doctoral defence: Susanna Soosaar “Reading time: experiencing story time in postmodernist fiction”
On 8 May at 15:00 Susanna Soosaar will defend her doctoral thesis „Reading Time: Experiencing Story Time in Postmodernist Fiction“.
14. April 2023 researchfor society