Topic: cooperation

Career Day for students of the Faculty of Arts and Humanitites
At the Career Day, students will have the chance to ask questions directly to our many internship partners, who represent museums, cultural institutions, and companies. You can learn about the available internship opportunities, the application process, the roles available for international students, and more.
14. February 2025 for studentcooperationstudies
Doctoral studies are preparation for becoming top-level professionals or managers
On 11 February, the University of Tartu Library hosts the Estonian Doctoral School’s career conference “The value of a doctoral degree on the job market” where top professionals with a doctoral degree and current doctoral students discuss the added value of doctoral studies.
11. February 2025 cooperationstudiesfor society
Guidelines for interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research have been published
Led by the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Centre for Sustainable Development of the University of Tartu, a guidance material has been developed for researchers on how to conduct interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research. 
31. January 2025 cooperationresearch
26. September 2024 cooperationculture
University festive hall meetings
University festive hall meetings
20. September 2024 cooperation
WATCH RECORDING! Building bridges between science and society. Why and how to do cross-disciplinary research?
On 20 November, the University of Tartu Library hosted a conference focusing on the particulars of interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary cooperation.
The 5th International Symposium on Applied Phonetics will be hosted by the University of Tartu
The 5th International Symposium on Applied Phonetics will be hosted by the University of Tartu on 30 September ‒ 2 October 2024.
Six Estonian universities celebrate Diversity Week together for the first time
The University of Tartu, Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn University, the Estonian University of Life Sciences, the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, the Estonian Academy of Arts, and the Gender Equality and Equal Treatment Commissioner celebrate the Diversity Week from 6 to 12 May, under the title “Diverse Estonian universities”.
Career conference „To new hights with a PhD degree!“
On 16 May, the Estonian Doctoral School Career Conference will be held in Tallinn to discuss the value of doctoral studies and the career prospects of doctoral students. All Estonian doctoral students and those interested in doctoral studies are welcome to attend.
Science Fiction Research Association annual conference at University of Tartu
The keynote speeches of the conference are given by Bogi Takács Perelmutter (University of Kansas) (US), Anindita Banerjee (Cornell University) (US) and Meelis Friedenthal (University of Tartu) (EST).