Our students prepared a photo exhibition dedicated to a French poet

Tartu Ülikool

The photo exhibition is dedicated to Charles Pierre Baudelaire's 201st birthday and inspired by his infamous poem The Clock, which provoked opposition in his contemporaries and brought the poet to the court.

The exhibition was compiled by French language and literature students Ave Albert, Gloria Margret Rose, Mia Maria Petuhhov and Veronika Maide. They pointed out that the melancholy and reflections of the poet, who was born two centuries ago, address the young people now as well, and offer support in these difficult times. The students added that nowadays, it is common to share life and emotions through photography. Therefore, the exhibition provides visitors with an ideal opportunity to get acquainted with the world of an influential and meaningful author, precisely through pictorial language.

Photographer Ines Edur and Associate Professor of French Literature Tanel Lepsoo assisted in the compilation of the exhibition.

The exhibition based on Baudelaire's poem "Clock" can be viewed on the 1st floor of the College of World Languages and Cultures of the University of Tartu (J. Liivi 4).

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