Arrival and accommodation

Here, you will find information on how to get to Tartu and where to stay while in Tartu.

Travelling to Tartu

From Tallinn Lennart Meri Airport to Tartu:

From Riga Airport in Latvia to Tartu:

Arriving at Tartu Airport:

  • As of March 31, 2024, Finnair airline will start operating the Tartu–Helsinki air connection. See the exact flight schedule and purchase tickets from the Finnair website. Information regarding transportation to the Tartu city centre is on the website of Tartu airport.


Students applying for the Estonian Education and Youth Board Scholarships will be offered places in the Tartu Downtown Hostel (a place in a double room).

All other participants may find a list of accommodation options on the Visit Tartu homepage. Also, check and Airbnb for other types of comfortable accommodation.

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