Maria-Kristiina Lotman

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Maria-Kristiina Lotman is Associate Professor in Classical Studies at the University of Tartu. Her main research interests include: versification, metrics and rhythmics, focusing on both classical verse forms (hexameter, elegiac distich, iambic trimeter, aeolic meters) as well as main regular meters in Estonian versification (iambic and trochaic tetrameter, iambic pentameter); semantics of verse, focusing on the semantic areas of verse meters and autometadescriptive mechanisms in poetry; translation of polycoded texts, especially poetic, dramatic, humorous and art texts. She has taught on both undergraduate and graduate level, including Latin language courses for beginners and advanced learners, Greek and Roman Antiquities, Classical Mythology, courses on various Greek and Roman authors and genres (epic, lyric, prose and drama authors).

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