Mari Kruse

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Mari Kruse is Lecturer of Spanish Language and Linguistics at the University of Tartu. She has been teaching in the Department of Spanish Language and Literature since 2005. Her main research interests are crosslinguistic influences in multilinguals, foreign language acquisition, and pedagogy of Spanish as a foreign language. In other words, she investigates how languages evolve and interact in dynamic multilingual systems. She manages the Tartu Learner Corpus of Academic Spanish (ELEACTAR), which is one of the largest learner corpora for Spanish, and conducts research with the keylogger Inputlog to observe multilingual writing processes. Her courses at the University of Tartu include an intensive Spanish language course, Spanish Phonetics and Phonology, Spanish Lexicology, Varieties of Spanish, Didactics of Spanish as a Foreign Language, and Latin American Cultural History. She is also the supervisor for students doing various practical training as a part of their studies.

Selected publications: 

  • Kruse, Mari (2020). Palabras cognadas en el vocabulario académico del inglés, español y estonio. e-AESLA, 6, 253-266. 
  • Kruse, Mari (2018). La transferencia en personas plurilingües: los falsos amigos como un obstáculo y una oportunidad en la enseñanza y aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras (doctoral dissertation). Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus. 
  • Kruse, Mari (2014). Võõrkeeleõpe kui sotsiaalne, sünergiline ja teadvustatud protsess. Eesti ja soome-ugri keeleteaduse ajakiri ESUKA / Journal of Estonian and Finno-Ugric Linguistics JEFUL, 5 (3), 37-56.

More publications and information in the Estonian Research Information System.

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A multi-day practical workshop on automatic morpho-syntactic annotation is coming up

VII Jornadas de ELE en Estonia

La Universidad de Tartu celebrará la séptima edición de las Jornadas de ELE en Estonia los días 4 y 5 de mayo de 2024 y acogerá presencialmente a investigadores y docentes del ámbito de la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera (ELE).

Doctoral defence: Marit Karelson „Le Temps d’engagement dans les œuvres d’André Gide et de Johannes Semper: les univers fictionnels entre l’élan vital et la littérature engagée“

On 17 November at 12:00, Marit Karelson will defend her doctoral thesis „Le Temps d’engagement dans les œuvres d’André Gide et de Johannes Semper: les univers fictionnels entre l’élan vital et la littérature engagée“