Luc van Doorslaer
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Luc van Doorslaer is Professor of Translation Studies at the University of Tartu (Estonia), the former President of CETRA (2014-18), the Center for Translation Studies at KU Leuven (Belgium), and Professor Extraordinary at Stellenbosch University (South Africa). Since 2016, he has been Vice President of EST, the European Society for Translation Studies. He is journal editor of ‘Translation in Society’ (John Benjamins) and book series editor of ‘Translation, Interpreting & Transfer’ (Leuven University Press). Together with Yves Gambier, he is the editor of the online Translation Studies Bibliography and the five volumes of the Handbook of Translation Studies. Other recent books edited include Interconnecting Translation Studies and Imagology (2016), Border Crossings: Translation Studies and other Disciplines (2016), Methods in News Translation (a special issue of ‘Across Languages and Cultures’, 2018) and The Situatedness of Translation Studies: Temporal and Geographical Dynamics of Theorization (2021). His main research interests include journalism and translation, sociology of translation, imagology and translation, translation policy, institutionalization of Translation Studies.
Selected publications:
- van Doorslaer, Luc; McMartin, Jack (2022). Where translation studies and the social meet: Setting the scene for ‘Translation in Society’. Translation in Society, 1 (1), 1−14.
- Terje Loogus; Luc van Doorslaer (2021). Assisting Translations in Border Crossing: An Analysis of the Traducta Translation Grants in Estonia. Translation Spaces, 10 (1), 161−180
- van Doorslaer, Luc (2021). Stereotyping by Default in Media Transfer. In: Jürgen Barkhoff, Joep Leerssen (Ed.). National Stereotyping, Identity Politics, European Crises, p. 205−220. Leiden: Brill. (Studia Imagologica 27).
- van Doorslaer, Luc; Loogus, Terje (2020). The Cautiously Pragmatic Translation Policy in Estonia. The International Journal of Translation and Interpreting Research, 12 (2), 63−75.
- Gentile, Paola; van Doorslaer, Luc (2019). Translating the North–South imagological feature in a movie: Bienvenue chez les Ch’tis and its Italian versions. Perspectives 27 (6), 797−814.
- van Doorslaer, Luc (2019). Embedding imagology in Translation Studies. Slovo: Baltic Accent 10 (3), 56−68.
- The imagological importance of translation policy (2019-22)
- The image-building of the Netherlands and Flanders in Italian literary translations. A socio-imagological approach (postdoc project Paola Gentile, 2018-21)
- Translation under constraint: Censorship in the Islamic Republic of Iran, KU Leuven (Horizon 2020 - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship of Behrouz Karoubi, 2020-22)
- Intralingual translation (PhD project Manuel Moreno Tovar)
- Images of Estonia(nness) in the Estonian-Russian literary translation flows (PhD project Irina Siseykina)
- How translation layers affect museum exhibitions (PhD project Irmak Uğur)
- The circulation of science news in translation (project at KU Leuven with input from UT)
- The translation and remediation of science news (in collaboration with Marju Himma, Journalism Studies UT)
More publications and information in the Estonian Research Information System.
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