Kadri Novikov

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Kadri Novikov is Lecturer in Classical Studies at the University of Tartu. Kadri Novikov has been teaching classics at the University of Tartu since 2008 (ancient Greek and Latin, courses on epic, historical prose, lyric, rhetoric, ancient Greek and Latin novels, Greek and Roman Antiquities etc.). Her main research interests include: ancient Greek and Byzantine novels, focusing on narrative structure, sub-genres in the novels, rhetorical figures and the relations between these three aspects; the occurrence and forms of ancient names in the Estonian language (currently working on the Dictionary of Ancient Names, which will be openly accessed to all translators, editors, students etc.); and problems and possibilites of rendering rhetorical figures in the translations of Greek novels into Estonian language.

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More publications and information in the Estonian Research Information System.

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Contact: kadri.novikov@ut.ee

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