Daniel Sävborg
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Daniel Sävborg is Professor of Scandinavian Studies at the University of Tartu since 2010. He has a background in Comparative Literature and Classical Philology from the Universities of Stockholm and Uppsala. He has been teaching comparative literature, Old Norse philology, and Scandinavian folklore regularly since 1993. He is at the moment the leader of the project “Riddarasögur and Saga Style: Native Influence on Norse Translations of Courtly Literature in the 13th Century” (PHVLC22916) and he has previously led e.g. the projects “Encountering the Otherworld in Medieval Nordic Literature – New Perspectives” (PUT479), “Formulae in Icelandic Saga Literature” (PHVLC19921), ”Tradition and Originality in the Post-Classical Saga Literature” (funded by Stofnun Árna Magnússonar), and ”Känsloskildringen i den norröna litteraturen ca 1150-1350” (funded by the Swedish Research Council). His main fields of research include the Swedish drama in the 17th and 18th centuries, emotions in Old Norse literature, the supernatural in medieval Scandinavian literature, the courtly translations in 13th century Norway, medieval and early modern Swedish historiography, Scandinavian folklore, the conversion of Sweden, interdisciplinary approaches in medieval and Viking Age studies, oral tradition and oral-derived literature and the use of verbal formulae in narrative prose, Icelandic manuscripts and manuscripts relations.
Selected publications:
- Sävborg, Daniel (2022). Uppsalakungarna. Litteratur – Tradition – Historia. Tom Christensen. Kongeslægter – Skjoldunger og Ynglinger. Lejre og Uppsala – mellem arkologi og historie. Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag [forthcoming].
- Sävborg, Daniel (2022). Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries in Viking Age Studies. Turnhout: Brepols [forthcoming].
- Sävborg, Daniel (2022). Painful Love and Desire in Skírnismál: Origins and Contexts. Festschrift for Jens Peter Schjødt, ed. Luke John Murphy et al. Religionsvidenskabelig tidsskrift, 38, 38-61
- Sävborg, Daniel (2018). The Formula in Icelandic Saga Prose. Saga-Book, 2018, 51−86.
- Sävborg, Daniel; Bek-Pedersen, Karen (eds.) (2018). Supernatural Encounters in Old Norse Literature and Tradition. Brepols Publishers.
- Sävborg, Daniel (2017). Blot-Sven. En källundersökning. Scripta Islandica Isländska Sällskapets Årsbok, 68, 51−97.
- Sävborg, Daniel (2014). Scandinavian Folk Legends and Icelandic Sagas. In: Eldar Heide & Karen Bek-Pedersen (Ed.). New Focus on Retrospective Methods (76−88).. Helsinki: Academia Scientiarum Fennica. (Folklore Fellows' Communications).
- Sävborg, Daniel (2012). Den efterklassiska islänningasagan och dess ålder. Arkiv för nordisk filologi, 127, 19−57.
- Sävborg, Daniel (2012). Blockbildningen i Codex Upsaliensis - En ny metod att lösa frågan om Snorra Eddas ursprungsversion. Maal og minne, 1, 12−53.
- Sävborg, Daniel (2011). Konsten att läsa sagor: Om tolkningen av trosskiftets betydelse i Njáls saga. Gripla, 22, 181−209.
- Sävborg, D. (2009). Avstånd, gräns och förundran: Möten med de övernaturliga i islänningasagan. Eggertsdóttir, M. et al.. Greppaminni: Rit til heiðurs Vésteini Ólasyni sjötugum (232−349). Reykjavík: Hið íslenska bókmenntafélag.
- Sävborg, D. (2007). Sagan om kärleken: Erotik, känslor och berättarkonst i norrön litteratur. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Pp 661.
- Sävborg, Daniel (2003). Medelhavskulturen och eddadiktningens förhistoria. Maal og minne, 121−137.
- Sävborg, P.D. (1997). Sorg och elegi i Eddans hjältediktning. Stockholm: Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis. (diss) Pp 487.
More publications and information in the Estonian Research Information System.
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Contact: daniel.savborg@ut.ee
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