Perspectives on Text and Context

International symposium "Text and Context: Combining Philology, History and Cultural Studies"

Held at the University of Tartu, Estonia May 17th-18th, 2002.

The symposium was one of the sub-projects of the academic network "Interdisciplinary Approaches to Text", supported by the Nordic Council of Ministers under the Nordic Grant Scheme for Network Cooperation with the Baltic Countries and Northwest Russia. The Network was initiated in 2001 by the Section of Nordic Philology of the University of Tartu, and in the academic year 2001-2002 it involved the following institutes:

  • the Institute of Nordic Philology of the University of Copenhagen;
  • the Centre for Viking and Medieval Studies of the University of Oslo;
  • the Department of Cultural Sciences of the University of Lund.

During the symposium, researchers from the above-mentioned institutes presented their papers, as did scholars from the University of Tartu and the University of Vilnius.

More than 50 people participated in the symposium, and the number of the papers - which were all read in plenum - as 11. The majority of the papers were published in the conference volume, with a few extra contributions added in relation to the research projects in which some of the symposium speakers have engaged themselves.

Conference Volume

Nordistica Tartuensia No. 8

Perspectives on Text and Context

text and context

Edited by Kristel Zilmer, Stig Örjan Ohlsson
Tartu 2003, Tartu University Press


  1. J. Normann Jørgensen: Text and Context in the Analysis of Spoken Discourse
  2. Karianne Skovholt: The Realistic Drama of Jon Fosse: Conversation and Encounter in the Play "Mor og barn" ("Mother and Child")
  3. Kristel Zilmer: Texts and Historical Tradition: A Hermeneutical Approach
  4. Joanna Agnieszka Skórzewska: How to Deal with Saints? A Cross-Disciplinary Case Study
  5. Ian Beuermann: Reading Political History in the Manx Chronicle and Orkneyinga Saga
  6. Sten Kindlundh: Use and Re-Use of Texts in Icelandic Family Sagas: A Matter of Intertextuality
  7. Hanne Ruus: The Oldes Danish Ballad Tradition in its Socio-Cultural Setting
  8. Dorthe Duncker: Disclosing Textual Genres
  9. Andreas Önnerfors: The Idea and the Text - A Note on Transcultural Historical Text Analysis
  10. Margit Keller & Merit Karise: Advertising Analysts, Speak Up! Thoughts on Decoding Ads in Estonia
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