Karoliine Laaneoja: European Languages and Cultures MA programme has developed my communication skills

Karoliine Laaneoja
Tartu Ülikool

Karoliine Laaneoja is currently pursuing her Master’s in the European Languages and Cultures programme and is specialising in English Language and Literature. She outlined what she values most about her studies and the study environment.

Apply for the European Languages and Cultures MA programme until 15 March 2024 via DreamApply or SAIS.

“The European Languages and Cultures program felt like a fitting program to continue my studies with, especially considering that I wanted to continue working on the same topic on which I did my Bachelor’s thesis,“ she said.

Karoliine admitted that her studies have made her much more social, as meeting new people and working with them is almost a daily occurrence. She has also grown her yearning for new knowledge. “The most fun part is seeing what other people are researching, their wonderfully planned-out ideas, and the process of getting and giving feedback. I feel like I have gained a much more critical eye and grown as a person throughout my studies,“ said Karoliine.

She pointed out that the studying environment at Tartu University is very facilitating. “During my Master’s studies, I keep seeing that the university is genuinely out for my best interests as there is constant support and plenty of opportunities,“ she explained. Despite being home for several years now, Tartu still surprises her with its beauty and colourfulness, making it a wonderful place to study. Karoliine added that there are plenty of activities for those who want to participate and plenty of communities to join.

Since Karoliine is a person who likes to go with the flow, she has yet to make concrete plans after graduation. Nevertheless, she firmly believes everything will go the way it needs to. “I trust that Tartu University has given me a sound enough educational basis for the rest of my life, which will help me in every endeavour I plan to take on,“ she concluded.

Apply for the European Languages and Cultures MA programme until 15 March 2024 via DreamApply or SAIS.

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