Publications and online resources

Online presence of Poetic Thinking:

  • Panel Discussion between John Leavit, Marko Pajević, Barbara Gawrońska Pettersson, Elżbieta Tabakowska.
    Moderator: James Underhill, at Language, Culture, Worldview conference in Lublin 17.11.2017

Publications concerning Poetic Thinking:


  • The Abyss as a Concept for Cultural Theory. A Comparative Exploration, Brill, Leiden, 2023, editor, introduction and chapter (ca. 350 pp.)
  • Care, Control and Covid-19. Health and Biopolitics in Philosophy and Literature, de Gruyter, Berlin/ New York, 2023, co-editor with Raili Marling, introduction and chapter (ca 320 pp.)
  • Poetisch denken. Die Wechselwirkung von Sprach- und Lebensform, Passagen Verlag, Reihe Philosophie, Wien, 2022 (128 pp.)

  • Paul Celan TodayA Companion with de Gruyter, co-edited by Michael Eskin, Karen Leeder, Marko Pajević, series Companions to Contemporary German Culture, April 2021, including my chapter ‘Correspondences of and with Celan – Transfer Processes of Life’ (384 pp.)
  • Exophony: Multilingual Literature and Politics in Baltic and German-Language Literature, Special Issue of Interlitteraria, spring 2021, MP guest-editor, introduction and chapter (~200 pp.)
  • Mehrsprachigkeit und das Politische. Interferenzen in zeitgenössischer deutschsprachiger und baltischer Literatur, ed. by MP, series ‘Literarische Mehrsprachigkeit/ Literary Multilingualism’, Narr/ Francke/ Attempto, Tübingen, 2020, editor, chapter and introduction (320 pp.)
  • The Meschonnic-Reader. A Poetics of Society, translated from French with translator-team, Edinburgh UP, 2019, editor, co-translator, substantial introduction and apparatus (350 pp.)
  • Thinking Language with Henri Meschonnic, Special Issue of Comparative Critical Studies, 15/3, Oct 2018, co-editor with David Nowell Smith, chapter and introduction (120 pp.)
  • Thinking Language. Wilhelm von Humboldt Now, ed. By Marko Pajević and David Nowell Smith, Special Issue of Forum for Modern Language Studies, Oxford UP, 53/1, Jan 2017
  • Poetisches Denken und die Frage nach dem Menschen. Grundzüge einer poetologischen Anthropologie, Karl Alber Verlag, Reihe Dia-Logik, Freiburg i.Br., 2012 (358 pp.). Estonian translation: Poeetiliselt mõtelda. Nüüd ja kohe, trans. Jaanus Sooväli, Tartu University Press, 2023; English translation: Poetic Thinking Now,, trans. Nicola Creighton, Routledge, 2023.

    reviewed in: Colloquia Germanica, 2010, 43/4; The German Quarterly, Spring 2012, 85/2; Choice. Current Reviews for Academic Libraries, May 2012; Journal
  • Zur Poetik Paul Celans: Gedicht und MenschDie Arbeit am Sinn, Beiträge zur neueren Literaturgeschichte, Band 177, Universitätsverlag C. Winter, Heidelberg, 2000 (310 pp.)

    reviewed in: arcadia 36, 2001/1; Arbitrium 2001/2, Literary Research/ Recherche Littéraire 19, 2002/37-38; The Modern Language Review 98.1, 2003; Germanistik 44, 2003/3-4; Austriaca 58, 2004)

Articles and chapters:

  • Forthcoming in French plus Russian translation: ‘La Théorie du rythme d’Henri Meschonnic et le social: vers une pensée poétique’, in Henri Meschonnic et la modernité: quel héritage intellectuel?, Moscou, Presses universitaires de la RGGU, 2021
  • ‘Rhythm, the Political and the Human: Poetic Thinking and the Construction of Reality’, in Monatshefte, 113.1, 2021, 14-29
  • ‘Poetic Thinking and the Constitution of our World. On Language and Reality’, in Thinking: Bioengineering of Science and Art, ed. by Nima Rezaei, series Integrated Science, Springer Nature, 2022
  • ‘Literary Translation and Transmediality. Clive Scott’s Reader-Oriented Translation Theory and Practice’, In Journal of Critical Studies in Language and Literature, 2/2, 2021, 1-10
  • ‘Die humboldtschen Grundlagen von Meschonnics Rhythmustheorie und die Folgen für eine dialogische Übersetzungstheorie’, in Henri Meschonnics Rhythmuskonzept in Übersetzung und Übersetzungsforschung, hrsg. Von N. Mälzer/ M. Agnetta, Olms, Hildesheim, 2021
  • ‘Correspondences of and with Celan – Transfer Processes of Life’, in Paul Celan Today. A Companion, ed. Michael Eskin, Karen Leeder, Marko Pajević, de Gruyter, Berlin/ NY, 2021
  • ‘Introduction’, and ‘Sprachabenteuer: Yoko Tawadas exophone Erkundungen des Deutschen’, in Exophony: Multilingual Literature and Politics in Baltic and German-Language Literature, Special Issue of Interlitteraria, spring 2021
  • ‘Interferenzen. Einführung’, 7-14 and ‘Sprachabenteuer: Yoko Tawadas exophone Erkundungen des Deutschen’, in Mehrsprachigkeit und das Politische. Interferenzen in zeitgenössischer deutschsprachiger und baltischer Literatur, ed. Marko Pajević, Narr/Francke/Attempto, Heidelberg, 2020, 213-228
  • Introduction to Henri Meschonnic ‘What is at Stake in a Theory of Rhythm’ (trans. Ch. Wright), in Rhythm and Critique. Technics, Modalities, Practices, ed. by P. Crespi and S. Manghani, Edinburgh UP, 2020, 79-81
  • ‘Literary Translation and Transmediality. Clive Scott’s Reader-Oriented Translation Theory and Practice’, In Journal of Critical Studies in Language and Literature, March 2021
  • ‘For a Reappreciation of the Literary in Literary Studies: Poetic Thinking’, in Interlitteraria, 25/1, 2020, 8-15
  • ‘Adventures in language. Yoko Tawada’s exophonic explorations of German’, in Oxford German Studies, 48/4, 2019, 494-504
  • ‘Buber/Rosenzweig’s and Meschonnic’s Bible translations: Biblical Hebrew as transformer of language theory and society’, in Languages – Cultures – Worldviews. Focus on Translation, ed. Adam Glaz, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019
  • ‘Introduction: Thinking Language with Henri Meschonnic’ and ‘A Poetics of Society: Thinking Language with Henri Meschonnic’, in Thinking Language with Henri Meschonnic, ed. by Marko Pajević and David Nowell Smith, Special Issue of Comparative Critical Studies, 15/3, Oct 2018, 279-290 and 291-310

  • ‘Humboldt’s Thinking Language: Poetics and Politics’, and ‘Thinking Language. Wilhelm von Humboldt Now. Introduction’, in Thinking Language. Wilhelm von Humboldt Now, ed. by Marko Pajević and David Nowell Smith, Special Issue of Forum for Modern Language Studies, 53/1, Jan 2017, 95-107 and 1-6
  • ‘Pour une pensée poétique de la traduction, avec Henri Meschonnic et Wilhelm von Humboldt’ in Skené. Rivista di letteratura francese e italiana contemporanee, 2016/6, 57-64
  • ‘Translation and Poetic Thinking’ in German Life and Letters, 67/1, 2014, 6-21
  • ‘Theory of Language (Humboldt / Trabant) and its Anthropological Consequences’, in Forum for Modern Language Studies (FMLS), Vol. 50/1, 2014, 97-112
  • ‘Beyond the Sign. Henri Meschonnic’s Poetics of Rhythm and Continuum. Towards an Anthropological Theory of Language’, in Forum for Modern Language Studies (FMLS), Vol. 47, n°3, 2011, 304-318
  • ‘Traduire le poème, avec Henri Meschonnic’, in Henri Meschonnic, théoricien de la traduction, eds. Marcella Leopizzi/ Celeste Boccuzzi, Éditions Hermann, Paris, 2014, 191-204
  • ‘Traduire: pensée du langage, culture et innovation’, in Paroles rencontres. Ouvrir les archives ‘Henri Meschonnic’, ed. Serge Martin, L’Atelier du Grand Tétras, collection ‘Résonance générale – Essais pour la poétique’, Mont-de-Laval, 2013, 134-151

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