
Autumn semester courses of the academic year 2023/2024

Click on the course to see the timetables, course descriptions, requirements etc in the study information system. You can find the course timetable by clicking on the “Event” button under the course name.

Language courses:

  • There are no Arabic language and culture courses this semester.

The autumn semester usually starts on the first week of September or sometimes also on the last week of August. The spring semester starts on the second week of February (see the university academic calendar). All courses usually last for 15-16 weeks. Registration for language courses opens on 15 May and 15 December, respectively, and stays open until the beginning of the semester. By the same dates, we also upload all courses to our homepage and start accepting applications from non-students (continuing education learners).


ما اسمك؟ – Mä ismak? – What's your name?

... انا اسمي – Ana ismi ... – My name is ...

كيفك؟ – Kifak? – How are you?

كل شىء تمام – Kul šei tamaam – Everything is alright

نعم, تقع استونيا في شمال اوروبا – N'äm, tak'ä Astunia fi šamaal Auruba – Yes, Estonia is situated in Northern Europe

!رائع – Rai'ä! – Wonderful, cool!

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